Setup for initial test on functionality

4.2.3 Step 3: Setting up shared calendar

Step 3 involves on how to setting up the team shared calendar. To enable sharing, the system will need at least two accounts to be tied together. The account of User 1 and User 2 which represent the sender and receiver respectively had been used in this process. The step involve in this process is shown as in Figure 4.11.

Step 1: Setting up the equipment Step 2: Setting up user’s account

User 1 (sender)

Step 3: Setting up shared calendar

User 2 (receiver)


User 1 (sender)

Pop-up Step 4: Setting up notification system

Figure 4.11: Setting up shared calendar

To start the sharing setup, users can click the ‘Add’ link at the ‘My Calendars’ option. Another option will be displayed asking to add, browse or import the calendar.

Click ‘Add a friend’s calendar’ option as it had been shown in Figure 4.12. A dialog box will appear which requires user to fill in the contact email is shown as in Figure

4.13. Key in and then click ‘Add’ button.

Figure 4.12: Calendar view in week

Figure 4.13: Field to add a friend’s calendar

Ones the ‘Add’ button had been pressed, another option to request access to the User 2 account will be displayed. By default, there will be a brief message to be sent to the User 2 in order to have the shared access as it shown in Figure 4.14. Then,

press the ‘Sent Request’ button to complete the process. The message which confirming the message been sent to the User 2 is shown in the Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.14: Press Send Request button

Figure 4.15: Message sent

By repeating the same process to the User 2, the connection of both accounts will be established. The email message from User 2 to the User 1 account requesting to view the calendar is shown in Figure 4.16. The User 1 will now have options to either neglect the request by User 2 or to accept the collaboration. To accept, click the given link as in Figure 4.16.

Figure 4.16: Email sent to accept a request

Ones the link had been clicked, a setup options will be displayed as given in Figure 4.17. The system will automatically register in the setup options. User will notify th is in the ‘Share with specific people’ area. In the ‘Permission Settings’ option by ensuring ‘See all event details’ been selected, click ‘Add Person’ button. By having done this, the account is added to the system as it had been shown in Figure 4.18. Then, click ‘Save’ button. Ensuring the same process had been repeated to the User 2 settings, these two calendars are now connected to one and another.

Figure 4.17: Share with specific person options

Figure 4.18: Share with specific person options (continue)

Upon completion the above step, the ‘Changes saved’ confirmation page will

be displayed as given in Figure 4.19. It is however none of the User 2 option had been displayed in the ‘Other calendars’ area. For this option to be enabled, the same

processes need to be repeated to the User 2 account settings.

Figure 4.19: Changes saved notification

Ones the process had been setup to the User 2 account, the additional option will be display ed at the ‘Other Calendars’ option as it been given in Figure 4.20. As displayed, a grey brown colour box which refers to .

Figure 4.20: Approval from User 2

By having this step of calendar setup, users are now connected in a way that they can now share the calendar in real-time. Any updates from the User 1 will be automatically displayed in the User 2 calendar and vies-versa. This way, to conduct a meeting will not be the same again as all the information is shared and well known.

4.2.4 Step 4: Setting up notification system for User 1

The last step involves a setting up the notification system for User 1. Important to be kept in mind, this process although involves User 1 and User 2, the process are all been conducted in the User 1 account. There are generally three options for having a notifications function to the shared calendar. They are email, pop-up and SMS as it been illustrated in Figure 4.21.

Step 1: Setting up the equipment Step 2: Setting up user’s account

User 1 (sender)

Step 3: Setting up shared calendar

User 2 (receiver)


User 1 (sender)


Step 4: Setting up notification system

Figure 4.21: Setting up notification system for User 1

User will need to setup the notifications function to its own calendar in order to receive the notification services. To enable this function, click ‘Settings’ link which located at the top right of th e page. Another option will be displayed, click ‘Calendar settings’ as it been shown in Figure 4.22.

Figure 4.22: Calendar settings option

Ones the link been selected, a ‘Calendar Settings’ options will be displayed as in Figure 4.23. In the settings area, user will notice a link to ‘Calendars’, ‘Mobile Setup’ and ‘Lab’. There is a need to register the mobile services to enable the SMS notification. To enable this, click the ‘Mobile Setup’ link.

The ‘Mobile Setup’ options are given in Figure 4.24. There is an option to register the phone number in the settings area. Key-in the user phone number and click ‘Send Verification Code’ button which is located in the ‘Carrier’ option. Ones the button been clicked, a dialog box which confirmed the action is shown as in Figure 4.25. Click ‘OK’ button. The verification code will now been sent to the

registered phone number.

Figure 4.23: Calendar settings interface

Figure 4.24: Mobile setup option

Figure 4.25: Dialog box for sending verification

The message which been received in the phone is given in the Figure 4.26. As stated in the message given, there is a verification code which will need to be entered

in the ‘Calendar Settings’ area. After the code entered, click ‘Finish setup’ button. As

a result o f this, a note ‘Phone number successfully validated’ will be displayed as in Figure 4.27.

The options for SMS notifications are now been activated to the system. Another SMS is sent to the user confirming the device verification. There is also an option to stop the SMS notification by visiting as given in the Figure 4.28.

Figure 4.26: Receives the verification code in the handphone

Figure 4.27: A notification Phone number successfully validated

Figure 4.28: Another SMS is sent to mobile phone for verification

By having SMS been activated to the system, now all type of notifications can

be setup in the ‘Notifications’ options as it been given in Figure 4.29. In default configuration, email and pop-up had been setup to be notified each at 10 minutes

before the event. By clicking the ‘Add a reminder’ link, another option of notification will be displayed. In the drop-down box, select SMS. It is now, all the reminders had

been set at 10 minutes each before the event.

Figure 4.29: Event reminders

In the ‘Choose how you would like to be notified’ area, there are additional options to the email and SMS notifications. There are options for new invitations, changed invitations, cancelled invitations, invitation replies and daily agenda. By default, all the options to the invitation changes had been selected by the system. User however has the options either to remain as it is or to unselect these additional functions.

To have all the functions of SMS at each of the changes of invitations, select all the given checkbox as it been given in Figure 4.30. Ones finish, click the ‘Save’ button which located at the bottom left side of the page. Then, user will be directed to To have all the functions of SMS at each of the changes of invitations, select all the given checkbox as it been given in Figure 4.30. Ones finish, click the ‘Save’ button which located at the bottom left side of the page. Then, user will be directed to

We are now completing the first step of notification. As been mentioned early, there have two ways to notification of each of the user. First, notification related to user’s own calendar. Second, notification related to the person who the user shared

the calendar with. The next part will discussed on this second setup of notification.

Figure 4.30: Options to be notified

Figure 4.31: Notice subscriptions successfully updated

4.2.5 Step 4: Setup notification system from User 2

User 2 can be our friends and colleagues. The system need to be setting up to

be able subscription to the notifications services. The subscriptions can be choose either to have email, pop-up or SMS. User 1 can also choose to have all this type of notifications. This options had been illustrated in Figure 4.32.

Step 1: Setting up the equipment Step 2: Setting up user’s account

User 1 (sender)

Step 3: Setting up shared calendar

User 2 (receiver)


User 1 (sender)


Step 4: Setting up notification system

Figure 4.32: Setting up notification system from User 2

To enable this, user can click at the arrow located in the demo2.iium@gmail box as given in Figure 4.33. Ones the arrow been clicked, an options will be given. Then, choose ‘Notifications’. The windows will then displays the options for notifications as given in Figure 4.34.

Figure 4.33: User 2 ’s notification option

Figure 4.34: Notification options interface

In the event reminders options, click on the link ‘Add a reminder’. Additional options will be displayed, choose SMS and 10 minutes before each of the event. This

will activate the SMS services for the calendar. The interface options are shown as given in Figure 4.35.

Figure 4.35: Event reminders options

In the ‘choose how you would like to be notified’ area, select all the given checkbox. This way, any new invitations, changed invitations, cancelled invitations

and also invitation replies will be SMS to the handphone. User also had an option to select on their on preferred ways of notifications. The selected checkbox at the given options are given as in Figure 4.36.

Figure 4.36: SMS options

If user would want to have the notifications by email, repeat the step by clicking the ‘Add a reminder’ link and choose ‘Email’ as an additional type of

reminder. The checkbox which refers to the email options also need to be selected based on how the user wanted to be notified. Then, click the button ‘Save’ to save these settings. User will then will be informed on the process status as ‘Subscriptions

successfully updated’ as given in Figure 4.37.

Figure 4.37: Notice subscriptions successfully updated