Stage 1: Result for notification system (initial test on functionality)

5.2 Stage 1: Result for notification system (initial test on functionality)

At this stage, results from both User 1 and User 2 will be recorded. The records will be in terms of email, pop-up and SMS. The event details had been entered to the system as the following:

Site Al-Manshoor, Balik Pulau

5.2.1 User 1 Email

The flow diagram for the User 1 Email is given as in Figure 5.2. There will be three types of notification in terms of entering, updating and deleting the event. All this changes had been recorded in this report.



User 1 (sender)

Update Results for

(receiver) SMS

Figure 5.2: User 1 Email Picture Enter

The email notification had been receives by the User 1 on 10 minutes before the event. This notification is recorded as in Figure 5.3. As it been recorded in the email, there is a reminder from the User 1 (refer to

Figure 5.3: Reminder 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

User will also receive the updated reminder on the event which had been updated. The result of the reminder on this updated event is given in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Reminder 10 minutes before the event Picture Delete

None of email is receives on the deleted event.

5.2.2 User 1 Pop-up

The flow diagram of the User 1 pop-up is given as in Figure 5.5. As been shown in the diagram, there will be three types of pop-up to be recorded. The image of pop-up will be captured after entering the event, updating the event and also deleting the event.



User 1 (sender)

Update Results for

(receiver) SMS

Figure 5.5: User 1 Pop-up Picture Enter

After the event had been registered into the system, the pop-up will be displayed at the screen on 10 minutes before the event. The interface of this result is shown as in Figure 5.6. To access the interface of the calendar, user will need to click the ‘OK’ button.

Figure 5.6: Pop-up 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

A pop-up will also be displayed after the event had been updated. The interface of the system which displayed the pop-up on the updated event is given as in Figure 5.7. It is however, the pop-up not immediately been displayed after the event been entered. The pop-up been displayed on 10 minutes before the event.

Figure 5.7: Pop-up 10 minutes before the event Picture Delete

None of pop-up is receives on the deleted event. This is quite reasonable since there is no need to display a reminding notification for the event which had been deleted or cancelled.

5.2.3 User 1 SMS

The flow diagram of the User 1 SMS is given as in Figure 5.8. The SMS reminder will be recorded on entering the event, updating and also on deleting the event. The SMS had been sent directly to the User 1 mobile phone from the system without any charges from the mobile line operator.



User 1 (sender)

Update Results for

(receiver) SMS

Figure 5.8: User 1 SMS Picture Enter

The SMS messages had been receives to the mobile phones on 10 minutes before the event as it shown in the Figure 5.9. It is however, the SMS have not been sent immediately after the event been entered into the system. On the iPhone interface, user will need to click the button ‘Close’ to proceed with the phone interface.

Figure 5.9: SMS received 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

The SMS also be sent to the User 1 on the updated event. The SMS been receives on 10 minutes before the event and the SMS is not immediately sent to the user just after the event been updated.

Figure 5.10: SMS received 10 minutes before the event Picture Delete

None of the SMS is receives on the deleted event. This is quite reasonable since there is no need to display a reminding notification for the event which had been deleted or cancelled.

5.2.4 User 2 Email

Since the system had been configured to link the User 1 calendar with the User

2 calendar, all the information and changes which been registered in the User 1 calendar will also been receives by the User 2 calendar. This also means, the notification system will also been updated simultaneously at the same time. The first notification had been receives by the User 2 is the reminding email on the entering event, updating event and also on the deleting event. The flow diagram of this email reminding is as shown in Figure 5.11.

Email User 1 (sender)


Results for

Figure 5.11: User 2 Email Picture Enter

The email which been receives from the User 1 to the account of User 2 automatically on 10 minutes before the event is shown as in Figure 5.12. By referring to the given interface, there is also the event details which referring to the (User 1 email).

Figure 5.12: Reminder 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

The email also had been sent to the User 2 on the updated User 1 calendar. As it has been shown in the Figure 5.13, there is a message ‘Updated Invitation’ included in the email messages reminding the User 2 of the event been updated. Interestingly, this email is been sent to the user immediately after the changes been made.

Figure 5.13: Reminder immediate after update

It is also been recorded, the system had sent a second email on 10 minutes before the event as shown in Figure 5.14. So, there are two email will be receives by the User 2, first immediately after the event had been updated by User 1 and the second on 10 minutes before the updated event.

Figure 5.14: Reminder 10 minutes before the event Picture Delete

The email reminder had been sent to the User 2 immediately after the event had been deleted/ cancelled as it been shown in Figure 5.15. In the email, there is a note ‘Cancelled Event’ at the top of the content messages.

Figure 5.15: Emailed immediate after event cancelled

5.2.5 User 2 Pop-up

The flow diagram of the User 2 pop-up on entering, updating and deleting the event by the User 2 is shown in the Figure 5.16.

Email User 1 (sender)


Results for

Figure 5.16: User 2 Pop-up Picture Enter

The pop-up receives by the User 2 is recorded as in Figure 5.17. In the pop-up messages, there is the email mentioning . This email refer to the messages originally been entered by the User 1.

Figure 5.17: Pop-up 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

Upon updating the event by the User 1, the pop-up will also been displayed in the User 1 calendar on minutes before the event. This seen as been the same behaviour as the reminding the event before it is been updated. The interface of this pop-up is as given in Figure 5.18.

Figure 5.18: Pop-up 10 minutes before the updated event Picture Delete

None of pop-up is receives on the deleted event. This is quite reasonable since there is no need to display a reminding notification for the event which had been deleted or cancelled.

5.2.6 User 2 SMS

The flow diagram of the User 2 SMS receives as changes been made by the User 1 is shown as in Figure 5.19. The results had been recorded on the action by User 1 entering the event, updating and also on deleting the event.

Email User 1 (sender)


Results for

Figure 5.19: User 2 SMS Picture Enter

The reminding SMS had been sent to User 2 on 10 minutes before the event as it has been shown in Figure 5.20. In the SMS content, it is also been noted the email address which indicates the messages originally from the User 1.

Figure 5.20: SMS received 10 minutes before the event Picture Update

Upon updating the event by the User 1, the SMS had been sent to the User 2 as it been given in the Figure 5.21. Interestingly, the SMS had been sent immediately after the event had been updated/ edited by the User 1. This functionality found to be highly valuable, efficient and cost effective, since there is no need to call or fax to the User 1 to inform on the updating event. The second SMS been sent to remind the User

2 on 10 minutes before the event as it has been shown in Figure 5.22.

Figure 5.21: SMS received immediate after update the event

Figure 5.22: SMS received 10 minutes before the updated event Picture Delete

Upon deleting the event by the User 1, a SMS also been receives by the User 2 as it been shown in the Figure 5.23. In the SMS content, there is a details of the sender email (which refer to User 1) and also a note ‘has been cancelled ’.

Figure 5.23: SMS received immediate after cancelled the event