Population and Sample Research Methodology

2. Data Analysis

In this part, the data was analiyzed and the description is as follows: Table 3.2 Frequency of Error of Simple Present No Problem area Item number Frequency of error Percentage of error 1 Simple Present 1 10 33.3 7 17 56.6 17 18 60 24 25 63.3 25 12 40 29 9 30 Total 6 items 47.20 In the Simple Present Tense there were 10 students 33.3 who made error in the item number 1, 17 students 55.6 made error in the item number 7, 18 students 60 made error in the item number 17, 25 students 63.3 made error in the item number 24, 12 students 40 made error in the item number 25 and 9 students 30 made error in the item number 29. On the average, the percentage of error in this tense is 47.20 . The highest frequency of error of students on the table above takes place number 24 with 63.3 . Table 3.3 The Students’ Answer and Its Explanation No Students’ answer Explanation 1 The sun rise in the east. The sentence shows general statements of fact. The verb should be added by “s” since the subject is singular. 7 Every Sunday we didn’t go Negative form of simple present swimming tense is “don’t or doesn’t”. 17 Every night the watchman turns on all the lights and walk around the building every half an hour. The subject of the sentence is watchman singular. So that the verb should be added by “s”. 24 The chef arranges the menu and served drinks to the table in the bar. Since the subject of the sentence is singular, the verb should be arranges and “serves”. 25 Do your brother go to school everyday? In interrogative form of Simple Present “do” used for plural subject while “does” used for singular subject. 29 She go to school by car everyday. The subject of this sentence is singular form, so that the verb should be “goes”. From those students’ answer above it can be seen that some students have not been able yet to analyzed the rule of Simple Present in positive, negative and interrogative pattern. It is signed by the absence of an item “s” that must appear in the sentence “omitting grammatical morphemes” as mentioned above e.g. The sun rise in the east, She go to school by car everyday. Besides that, the students are still confused to identify the sentences since the writer uses the long dialog or complex sentence number 24 and 25. Table 3.4 Frequency of Error of Present Progressive No Problem area Item number Frequency of error Percentage of error 2 Present Progressive 5 26 86.6 6 8 26.6