Research Method Data Collecting Method Data Analyzing Method


3.1 Research Method

There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library research, laboratory, and field research Bungin, 2005:40-41. In this thesis, I apply the library research method that is by collecting some theories and information about transitivity process from books, thesis, internet and other sources which support the writing.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

According to Arikunto 2006:223-232 there are five kinds of method in collecting data i.e. test, questioner, interview, observation, and documentation method. In this writing, I use the documentation method in collecting data. The data is collected by using purposive sample Arikunto,2006:139 from Worldview’s articles of Newsweek 2008 written by FAREED ZAKARIA. In this case, I choose article of January 21, February 11, and March 24, 2008 which has the same theme.

3.3 Data Analyzing Method

I analyzed the data by using descriptive method Arikunto,2006:239 and applying some procedures or steps. Firstly, I divided the text on each articles into clauses. The total number of the clauses in each article became the population and also as the sample in the analysis. Secondly, I identified their process and then classified them into their process. Thirdly, I try to find the most dominant process in those articles. Universitas Sumatera Utara In order to get the dominant process, I used the following formula Bungin, 2005 : 171-172 100 x N fx n  where, n = percentage of types fx = total types frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all categories For example : taken from article of ‘The Wrong Experience’ She is highly intelligent, has real experience and is an attractive candidate. This sentence consists of three clauses, they are : 1. She is highly intelligent. 2. She has real experience. 3. She is an attractive candidate. After divided them into clauses, I identified and classified those three clauses into their process. Example : She is highly intelligent carrier relational process attribute She has real experience carrier relational process attribute Universitas Sumatera Utara She is an attractive candidate carrier relational process attribute After I had identified and classified them, I try to get what process is the most dominant in those articles by using Bungin’s formula. Finally, I made some conclusion about the research and proposed some suggestion. Universitas Sumatera Utara