Implementing the Action Research Implementation

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c. Implementing the Action

In implementing the action, the researcher used the lesson plan that had been prepared before. The action consisted of three sections: opening, main activity, and closing. Each of the section is described as follows: 1 The first meeting Wednesday, June 9 th 2010 at 11.00 – 12.10 a. Opening The researcher opened the lesson by greeting and checking the students’ attendance. She also explained the benefit of learning the materials. Then she reviewed the lesson of the last meeting. b. Main activity The first meeting in the second cycle, the researcher checked the students’ background knowledge by asking them to mention kinds of daily activities that they knew before, she practiced some activities in front of the class then asked them to asnwer the question : “What do I do” then she asked some students, they were Khrisna, Amel, Iqbal to practiced by turns the other of daily activities in front of the class. For each student who practiced in front of the class, the researcher asked other students by asking “ What does she do?”, “What does he do?”, or “What do you do?”. When Krishna practiced, the researcher asked the students “What does he do?” most of the students tried to answer but they still used “I” as pronoun. The researcher then shared the copied of the material contained the notes of simple present tense pictures and the sentences by using I, She, and He. The researcher led the students to read the sentences together and giving explanation about the tense and why for the same picture, there were two different example. They were I wake up or She wakes up, I wash dishes or He washes dishes. “Okay anak-anak, supaya kalian lebih jelas bedanya, kapan harus menggunakan wake atau wakes, wash atau washes, perhatian baik-baik video yang akan Mrs erna putar, nanti akan Mrs erna jelaskan lagi”. commit to user Table 4.10. The Examples of the Sentences Used in YouTube Videos Daily Activities I She He I wake up I cook She wakes up She cooks I wash dishes I iron She washes dishes He irons I drive the car I take the bus She drives the car He takes the bus I wash clothes I eat She washes clothes She eats I leave the house I comb my hair She leaves the house She combs her hair I get dressed I write She gets dressed She writes I put on make up I lock the door She puts on make up She locks the door I exercise I go shopping She exercises He goes shopping I go to sleep I brush my teeth She goes to sleep He brushes his teeth I shave my face I take a shower He shaves his face He takes a shower I drink coffee I open the window She drinks coffee He opens the window I sweep the floor I watch TV He sweeps the floor She watches TV I wash my hands I turn on the light She washes her hands He turns on the light I read the newspaper She reads the newspaper The researcher also asked them to be the volunteer to perform in front of the class. Another students paid attention to the performer. They were look happy and enthusiastic. The students looked not ashamed again to ask the researcher if they did not understand about the materials in YouTube videos. As a result of the watching video, the researcher asked the students to do the worksheet. The students had to do it by themselves to checked whether they were understand or not if the subject of the questions were changed into their names. After checked the result, the researcher knew that some students were confused with the sunject “they”. For example, for the question: Adi, Ade, and Esa____________wash washes the clothes everyday. It should be “wash” but some of them answered “washes” because they were still confused with he for Adi and Ade or she for Esa. c. Closing commit to user Before closed the lesson, the researcher asked the students to discuss about the differences of verb, then she reviewed the material again. The researcher also summarized the lesson by asking the students to mention which one is correct of the question, “Amel, coba ke depan sebentar, berikan contoh tentang salah satu kegiatan sehari-hari, kemudian Amel memberikan contoh gerakan menyisir rambut dan guru bertanya, “what does she do?” she comb her hair or she combs her hair? Most of the students were enthusiastic in answering questions. For the last, the researcher asked the students’ feeling after joining the teaching and learning process. Time was up, she said goodbye to the students. 2 The second meeting Thursday, June 10 th 2010 at 09.00 – 10.10 a. Opening The lesson started after the first break time, so the researcher had much time to prepare the equipments, like Laptop, LCD projector, speaker, and also camera. The researcher opened the lesson by greeting and checking the students’ attendance. She reviewed the lesson of the last meeting. b. Main activity The researcher reviewed the preview lesson. Then she asked the students to paid attention to the video. She played the videos that they have ever seen before. She showed all of the YouTube videos from the first meeting because it was conducted for the last meeting. After watching all the material in YouTube video, the researcher gave exercise related to the topic. In this exercise, the students should paid their attention to the YouTube videos then answer the question. The researcher said that for the correct answer, she would gave reward and they looked happy when they could answer correctly. After watching YouTube videos, she shared the worksheet. For each question, there would be four different sentences that students should choose which one of the sentence was correct with the sentence heard. commit to user The next activity, the researcher gave the question orraly, the students should answer correctly, if not, they had to asked another question until they got the point. There were most of the students looked confident with their answer. Then, the researcher asked some students to pronounce the words related to the YouTube videos displayed. For individual activity, the researcher practiced some activity by herself as the clue, and then asked the students to gave the correct answer. The researcher mentioned the question used “What do I do?, What does she do?, and What does he do?” of the things and then asked the students to guess and pronounce the answer. The students looked happy and enthuciastic to answer the researcher’s questions. c. Closing In the closing activity, the researcher mentioned some daily activities in Bahasa Indonesia, and then the students translated the words in English. The teacher closed the meeting by asking whether the students had some difficulties, “Bagaimana anak-anak, kalian belajar apa hari ini? Ada yang belum jelas?” all of students said. “Asyik Mrs, kita sudah jelas”. Then the researcher asked the students to learn about the topic at home and there would be test tomorrow. “Ulangan lagi Mrs? Pakai video ya?” “Iya, kita akan ulangan sekali lagi dan soalnya Mrs Erna ambil dari video- video yang sudah kalian lihat, siap kan? the researcher said to the students, and they answered “ Siiaaaaaaapppp”, it indicated that the students’s motivation was improved than before.

d. Observing or Monitoring the Action

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