Observing or Monitoring the Action

commit to user c. Closing Before closing the lesson, the researcher summarized the materials, she gave model the activity done by herself, for example read the newspaper, comb her hair, take a shower and the students tried to answer correctly. Then she asked the students to learn the material given at home. She also asked to the students about their difficulties in learning vocabulary by using YouTube video, “ Anak-anak, sekarang apakah menurut kalian belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan YouTube video lebih mudah?” “Lebih jelas Mrs, gambarnya lucu, belajar lebih menyenangkan, the students answered”. The researcher said, “Okay, thank you....kalian senang pelajaran hari ini?” all the students answered “Ya Mrs” , the researcher gave the information about the post test of the first cycle and closed the meeting, “Okay, time is probably stop now, see you on next Saturday. Don’t forget to learn the copy of materials at home because we will have a test on next Saturday, Kalian bawa pulang foto kopi catatan tentang materi yang telah kalian pelajari. Gunakan untuk belajar lagi dirumah dan sabtu depan akan ada ulangan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kalian memahami daily activities.” The researcher closed the meeting, “See you on Saturday”and all of the students said, “See you”.

d. Observing or Monitoring the Action

Observation was done to obtain whether YouTube videos could be implemented in teaching English to enrich students’ vocabulary. Observing was done during the implementation of the action. When the students were doing the activity, the researcher observed the students’ behaviours. In the first meeting, the students looked very enthusiastic to pay attention about the researcher’s explanation because they liked and interesting to the YouTube videos which were showed by the researcher. However, the students’ participation was still low. Not all of the students were active during teaching and learning process. The researcher found that only some students dominated answering the researcher’s question, like Ajeng, Khrisna, Bayu, and Amel even their answer still false. Some students also did not take a part in teaching learning commit to user process, they just kept silent or made noise in the class, busy done non academic things with their friends like chat with classmate, played marble, cubic, or sticks, they are the boys who sat in the back seat and thought that the researcher did not know what were they did. In the second meeting, the students answered the researcher’s questions more active than the first meeting. However, the large of students made the class was not comfortable, there were some students who made noise and disturbed other friends when doing exercise. They did not focus on their task, so their task could not finish when the time was up. In the third meeting, the class situation could be more controlled. The number of passive and talkactive students were less. The students were able to answer the questions more correctly. Most of the students were able to mention the kinds of the daily activities based on the materials given by the researcher but still some students made some mistakes in pronouncing and spelling the words. The result of the observation of the teaching and learning process were also supported by the test results. They were the acquisition of meaning, spelling and pronunciation. The enrichment of vocabulary’s aspects could be seen clearly from the first post test’s score. The score of post test I increased from the score of pre test. The mean score of post test I was 56.17, while the mean score of pre test was 42,64. The first enrichment was in meaning aspect. It can be seen in the score of pre test and post test below: Table 4.7. The Enrichment of Meaning Aspect Cycle I Meaning Aspect Pre Test Post Test I Sum of the Score 230 320 Sum of the Students 42 42 Students’ Mean Score 5.47 7.61 The students’ mean score enriched from 5.47 in the pre test to 7.61 in post test I. Meaning aspect enriched as the result of the action done in the cycle 1. The second enrichment was the spelling aspect. The enrichment can be seen from the score of pre test and post test I below: commit to user Table 4.8. The Enrichment of Spelling Aspect Cycle I Spelling Aspect Pre Test Post Test I Sum of the Score 170 260 Sum of the Students 42 42 Students’ Mean Score 4.04 6.19 The students’ mean score enriched from 4.04 in the pre test to 6.19 in the post test I. In the first cycle, the students did the spelling activities by doing themselves. For example they should be able to spell “L-O-C-K, S-H-O-W-E-R, S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G” better. The third enrichment was the pronunciation aspect. The enrichment of pronunciation aspect can be seen from the score of pre test and post test I below: Table 4.9. The Enrichment of Pronunciation Aspect Cycle I Pronunciation Aspect Pre Test Post Test I Sum of the Score 1348 1586 Sum of the Students 42 42 Students’ Mean Score 32.09 37.76 The students’ mean score enriched from 32.09 in the pre test to 37.76 in the post test I. The students’ pronunciation can be seen from the activities when the students were asked by the teacher to pronunce the sentences based on the YouTube videos correctly.

e. Reflecting and Evaluating the Result

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