Planning Teaching and Learning Activities Using YouTube Videos

commit to user provides all materials needed by the students such as the exercises to enrich pronunciation, meaning, and spelling with attractive presentation. Comparing video with traditional English teaching materials such as paper-printed textbooks, it can be found that animation and picture-like dynamic images represent the essential difference between video and traditional English materials.

2. Planning Teaching and Learning Activities Using YouTube Videos

To use YouTube videos, the researcher has arranged and analyzed so that the activities in using YouTube can be formulated well. The implementation of this study can be presented in the following part below: Table 4.3. The Planning of YouTube Videos in English Teaching and Learning Process Video Materials: Daily Activities No Activities Objectives Indicator Cycle Meeting 1. The researcher wrote the topic on the whiteboard and asked the students to mentioned things related in topic To activate them in learning activities. Students got brainstorming and ready to join the lesson, they focused on the topic and looked enthusiastic B1, B5 I-1 2. The researcher explained the topic and together with students watching YouTube videos To make students became curious and interested, they were actively involved in learning activities and the researcher got students’ attention B4, B5 I-1 3. Students answered the researcher’s question based on YouTube videos To enrich students’ vocabulary. Students tried to answer the question more confident B1, B2 I-1 4. The researcher gave the examples of daily activities To investigate the students’ memories. Students paid attention and learn found the meaning of the new words A5, B4 I-1 5. The researcher operates YouTube videos To make the students interested to join class. Students gave their attention and did not make any noise B1, B4, B5 I, II 6. The students learn about new words in “Listen and Repeat” To enrich students’ pronounciation and to investigate that their pronunciation correct or not A1, A3 I-1 commit to user 7. The students wrote the answer of the questions after they watched the video To investigate their ability in memorizing whether they were understand the meaning or not A2, A4, B2, B5 I-2 8. The researcher practiced the examples of activities by herself and asked the students to guess what is the answer To active them in teaching- learning process and also to remind the content of YouTube videos. Students were able to answer the researcher’s questions A2, A5, B2, B5 I-3 9. Some of students practiced the examples of daily activities To enrich students that they were able to practice the instruction well and got attended of other students B3, B4 II-1 10. The researcher led the students to read the sentences which they saw in videos To enrich and activate their pronunce, spell and know the meaning of the words that they had already watch A1, A3, A5 II-1 11. The students took some note about the teacher’s explanation of simple present tense To enrich the students’ grammar. They were able to understand the difference of why using ses or not in simple present tense B3, B5 II-1 12. The students asked to mention words they watched on videos Students were able to mention kind of daily activities better and confidently than before A2, A4, B2, B5 II-2 13. Students paid attention to the explanation To enrich the students’ motivation. They were more quite and paid more attention B1, B3, B4, B5 I, II 14. The researcher gave exercises about daily activities To practiced them to do the exercises by themselves and to enrich their vocabulary A4, B2, B5 I, II 15. Students had good interest when they were watching the YouTube videos To make the students active, talked and disscused about the topic. They were look happy join in each activity B1, B3, B4, B5 I, II 16. Students felt enjoy and funto join studying English by watching YouTube video To investigate the students’ behaviour and class situation. They paid attention, looked happy in the classroom,and enjoy the YouTube videos B1, B3, B5 I, II 17. The researcher explained the sentences in the YouTube video To enrich students’ vocabulary. Students more understand the meaning and the grammar used A5 I, II 18. The researcher gives a model how to pronounce To make the students sure and confident to pronounce some English words A1, A3 I, II commit to user 19. The researcher gave a summary of the YouTube videos To enrich students’ vocabulary of the material in YouTube videos B3 I, II 20. The researcher gives pronounce to the students To get the students’ score of pronuncing ability and cheked their spelling A1, A3 I, II 21. The researcher operates YouTube videos again before conduct the post-test To remind the content of YouTube videos A1 – A5 B1 – B5 I-3, II-2 Beside the list of implementation of YouTube videos, the indicators of progress are also proposed that can be seen in Table 4.4. Table. 4.4. List of Indicators of Problems as Being Enriched by the Learning Activities Using YouTube Videos INDICATORS ACTIVITIES 1. The students usually make mistakes in pronouncing the words. 6, 10, 18, 20,21 2. The students get difficulties to mention words they already learn before. 7, 8, 12,21 3. The students get difficulties to spelling the words. 6, 10, 18, 20,21 4. The students get difficulties in recognizing words 7, 12, 14,21 A VOCABULARY COMPETENCE 5. The students get confuse in meaning of English words. 4, 8, 10, 17,21 1. The students usually make noise in the class. 2, 3, 5, 13, 15, 16,21 2. The students passive in answer tasks given by teacher. 3, 7, 8, 12, 14,21 3. The students do not take note the important things taught. 11, 18,21 4. The students’s attention to learn English is not optimal and do not pay attention to the lesson. 1, 4, 5, 9, 13, 15,21 B SITUATION OF CLASS 5. The students busy doing non academic things with their friends. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16,21

3. Research Implementation

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