Grown-Ups Definition of Terms

7 constitution of the human personality. Moreover, Abrams 1981 notes that a character is “an individual who exists in dramatic or narrative work and she has moral dispositional qualities that can be seen from hisher dialogue and action ” p. 21. According to Forster 1927, character is divided into two types. Those are a flat character and a round character. A flat character is built by a single idea, they cannot be changed. In the other side, round characters are complex and develop time by time in the story and sometimes can surprise the readers. A round character is filled with many ideas. It is presented with such a unique characteristic. Round characters usually take main parts in the story. Round character is like a real person in real life that has many personalities. Thus, the character is difficult to be described. Milligan 1983 explains there is always a character that becomes the center of the storyline. The character‟s action is significant and very much affect the storyline. Because of that, we can have more understanding about the story through the character. Milligan called this as Major character as stated in his book: Major character is the most important character in a literary work. He plays a very important role because everything he does becomes the content of the story. A major character becomes the center of the story because he endures problems, conflict, happiness, sorrow, etc. Through his action, the readers know the author‟s message of the story. p.155 Milligan also added that the story would not be complete without another supporting character, even they are less affecting the storyline. However, their 8 roles are to support the main character in many different ways. Milligan 1983 says that Minor characters have less role than the Major character. Their presence is just to support the main character to develop the story. They just appear in some particular time and setting. They do not endure the problem of the story.

2. Theory of Characterization

Characterization in literature helps the researcher to reveal the characteristic of characters in the novel. The character itself can be illustrated directly or indirectly by the author through the actions, thoughts, and speech of the character. According to Holman and Harmon 1992, characterization is the creation of imaginary persons, so they seem lifelike. There are three important methods of characterization. First, the explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action. Second, the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation that the reader can deduce the attributes of the actor from the actions. Third, the representation from within the character. It is without any comment by the author, the impact of actions, and emotio n on the character‟s inner self. According to Murphy 1972, there are a few ways in which an author attempts to make his characters understandable to the readers. They are a personal description, a character as seen by another, a speech, a past life, a conversation of others, reactions, a direct comment, and a thought. A personal description means the author can describe the characters directly about the appearance and clothes. A