Object of the Study



This chapter discusses those two questions that have been formulated in the previous chapters. This chapter is divided into two sub-chapters. The first sub- chapter discusses how the narrator is described in the novel. The second sub- chapter discusses the meaning of grown-ups as seen by the narrator.

A. The Narrator

1. The Narrator’s Character

To know more deeply about the character, analyzing the character is the important thing to do. It helps the reader to have a better understanding of the story. Understanding the character means understanding the whole story; from the intrinsic elements to the extrinsic elements. To understand the meaning of the story or the extrinsic element, first, the reader must understand the character. In this part, the researcher focuses on the discussion of the characters in the novel. Abrams 1981 said that character is the person presented in a narrative or dramatic work in which the readers interpreted the characteristics expressed in what they say and do. Abrams then divided it into two definitions. They are major and minor character. Major character is the character who has the important role in the story from beginning to the end. He should be able to attract the readers‟ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 attention about who and how the character is through his characterization. According to Abrams‟ theory, the narrator is categorized as a major character in this novel. The narrator attracts the readers‟ attention through their characterization in the story. Furthermore, he takes the important role in the story. He appears from the beginning to the end of the story. He can attract the readers by telling stories with an interesting explanation. He also can bring us into his childhood memory. The narrator is a round character. According to E. M. Forster 1974 that a round character responds to change: he or she is capable of surprising in a convincing way p.47. The narrator‟s way of thinking often surprises the readers by showing his thought like a child even he is an adult. He also told the readers about his childhood that he had to give up on his dream to become a drawer and changed himself so he could fit in into the society that most grown-ups expected. Forster 1974 also stated that round characters are fully developed that make the readers enable to see character‟s “full psychological complexity” p.50. Through narrato r‟s story about his childhood, the readers can understand narrator‟s personality. The readers understand that the narrator actually a person that has a head full of imagination. He is also someone who really wants to be different from the rest of other grown-ups around him. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI