Theory of Character Review of Related Theories

10 According to Maslow 1954, there are five needs for a human to be fulfilled. Starting from the bottom, there is psychological needs, dealing with such as air, water, nourishment, and sleep. According to Maslow‟s theory, if some particular needs are not satisfied then other motivations will come up from the quest to satisfy them. Higher needs such as social and esteem needs are not felt until one of the needs is not accomplished. The next level is safety needs. Once psychological needs are accomplished, the next one is the feeling of being safe from physical and emotional harm. It can be accomplished by living in the safe environment, having a healthy life, having financial alternatives, etc. Next one is social needs which is dealing with needs that are those related to interaction with other people and may include: the need for friends, need for belonging and need to give and receive love. The fourth is esteem needs. After a person gets those Figure 1. Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs 11 feeling, the need to feel important come up. Esteem needs can be classified as internal or external. Internal esteem needs are those which have a relation to self- esteem such as self-respect and achievement. External esteem needs are those as social status and recognition. The last need in Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs is self-actualization. Self-actualization is the top of Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs. It is a need of reaching full potential as a person. It is the need of maximizing own internal potential. This need is not like those lower needs. The self-actualization is never fully satisfied. Human is a living individual, as he is growing the standard of reaching full potential is also increasing. In the end, those needs are not always are exact in every person. They can have different kind of needs in life.

4. New Criticism

According to New Criticism, the book should be judged as it is. Without considering the author‟s background. It is the researcher‟s job to see work based only on the text itself. A standard method of high school and college instruction in literary studies is close reading or as known as New Criticism Tyson, 1999. According to Tyson 1999, New Criticism is not a new theory; nowadays this theory is not used as frequent as before “no longer practiced by literary critics” p. 117. This theory arose to replace the biographical historical criticism. New Criticism helps the researcher to get the literal meaning. It is because there are so many people who studied The Little Prince novel. The researcher compiles their studies and formulates some common things into supporting ideas 12 to know th e literal meaning. Without judging the author‟s background or purposes, the researcher judge the study as what it is written there.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this study, there are two problems that are analyzed. The first is “How is the narrator described in the novel ?” and the second is “What is the meaning of being grown-up as seen by the narrator?” In order to answer those questions, the researcher uses psychological approach. It is because the base of the analysis will be closely related to human psyche, human mind, and behavior. Moreover, the researcher also uses some theories to answer those questions. For the first problem, the researcher uses the character and characterization theories to answer the question. These theories help the researcher to have a better understanding of the character which is being analyzed. These theories are going to help the researcher in analyzing the main character of the novel who is the narrator in The Little Prince novel. Theory of characterization by Murphy 1972 wi ll be used to get the character‟s personality by analyzing some aspects such as personal descriptions, speeches, conversation of others, reactions, direct comments, and thoughts. For the second problem that will be discussed in this study is about the meaning of grown-ups. The researcher uses a psychological approach to determine what is the meaning of grown-ups as seen by the narrator. The researcher also uses the theory of motivation to reveal the meaning by seeing from the character ‟s motivation in the novel.