Analysis of text 8 Communicative Purpose of Text Text Structure The schematic structure of the text 8 is Goal Oorientation

81 Text 8 page.134

4.8.1. Analysis of text 8

Register analysis of text 8: Field : Campaign flyer of a candidate for a class chairman. It can be seen from first clause Vote For Susan Daron Tenor : constituent of susan to voter member of class. Mode : The text is written to be read.It use complete pattern and formal lexis although this is a campaign flyer. Vote for Susan Daron Susan’s English Teacher, Mrs. Trim, says : Susan is very popular girl among her classmate. She has an easy - going personality and is friendly and understanding. Although she has a lot of ideas and opinion of her own, she always listens to other people’s point of view and The Headmaster of Senior High School, Mr. Sugeng Says: Susan has been studying in Sukabelajar for the past two years. She always takes a leading part in organizing event, and is popular with all members of this school. She has a happy way of getting almost everyone to work with her, and I personally think that she would make an 82

4.8.2 Communicative Purpose of Text

From the register I can determine that the communicative purpose of the text is that the author persuades the reader voter to choose Susan Daron as chairman of the class. To make sure that the readers will vote for Susan, the author uses a campaign flyer with testimonies from Susan’s English Teacher and The Headmaster Of the Senior High school. The campign flyer descibes What Susan looks like, her personality, her talents and her ideas.

4.8.3 Text Structure The schematic structure of the text 8 is Goal Oorientation

Identification Description. Goal of the text can be seen in the clause Vote For Susan Daron. Indentification occurs in first sentence of Mrs. Trim says, e.g Susan is very popular girl among her classmates. and first sentence of of Mr Sugeng says, e.g, Susan has been studying. Orientation occurs in 2 clauses. They are Susan’s English Teacer, Mrs Trim, says : and The Headmaster of Senior High Schol, Mr Sugeng says : Description occurs in what Mr Trim and Mr Sugeng say. It is started from sentence Susan is a very popular girl among her classmates until in last sentence She has a happy way of getting 83 almost everyone to work with her, and I personally think that she would make an excellent class chairrwoman.

4.8.5 Significant Lexicogrammatical Feature