Significance Lexico – grammatical Features .

50 the first chief editor of The Jakarta Post 78 years of age on Saturday, Sept 9,2006 It seems the opening statement included in expressing condolences that is the passing of Amir Daud, the firts chief editor of The Jakarta Post 78 years of age on Saturday, Sept 9, 2006. Sequence of related statement is shown in the sentence His body is laid out at Jl.Sawo Raya no 2, Rawmangun, East Jakarta , Burial will be in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta, Sept 10, at 10 am.

4.1.4 Significance Lexico – grammatical Features .

The participants of the text are the writer the Management and Staff of the Jakarta Post and readers, including the family of deceased.The text focuses on information about the death of Amir Daud and giving sympathy of the death. The text is also supported by circumstances of time and place. There are 5 clauses in the text. From 5 clauses I found kinds of verbs. There are mental process 3, material process 1, existensial process 1. Mental process become the dominant one. The examples of process found in this text are : Mental process We wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of Amir Daud. May God Almighty bless and keep him always. 51 Material Process His body is laid out at Jl.Sawo Raya no.2 Rawamangun, East Jakarta Existential Process Burial will be in Tanah Kusir Cemetery The tenses that are found are simple present tense 3 and simple future tense 1. The simple present tense becomes the dominant one. The examples of tenses that occur in this text are : Simple Present Ttense : We wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of Amir Daud. His body is laid out at Jl.Sawo Raya no 2 Rawamangun, East Jakarta. May God Almighty and keep him always. Future Tense : Burial will be in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta on Sunday Sept.10,at 10 a.m. Based on the analysis above , it proves that the text is expressing sympathy condolences extended with announcement since the communicative purpose is besides showing sympathy on the passing away of someone also tells information to the readers about when and where a certain activity takes place. Furthermore, it is called expressing condolences extended since the schematic structure of the text is not only the schematic structure of announcement, opening statement sequence 52 of related statements, but we can also see expressing sympathy condolences in first line. I can say that the text is not a pure announcement text, but it is a mixture between announcement and expressing sympathy condolences. The tenses that occur in the text are present tense and simple future tense. The text is dominated by simple present tense as an important segment in reports. Other characters that occur to prove and support report genre of this short functional text focuses on generic participant Amir Daud . The verbs that occur in the text are mental process, material process and existential process. But the mental process becomes dominant one. So, the text may be called report text in modification. Text 2. p.17 Flores, Indonesia Dear Hendri, Here we are in Flores Flores is undoubtly one of the most beautiful places in Indonesia if you like to get ‘off the beaten track’ I started off with Redo in Maumere and took an amazing journey over the mountain village called Detusoko. We managed to wake up at 4 to see the three different colored lakes at dawn. It was truly an inspiring. I would love to go back to Flores one day. Best wishes -------------------------------- M. Hendrison --------------------------------- Mambo Street no 5 Bekasi – 1745 Indonesia 53

4.2.1. Analysis of text 2.