Reason for Choosing the Topic Purpose of the Study Research Questions

6 There are many text books distributed in society that are used by educational institutions. Usually teachers or learners just buy the book and use it as a hand book without paying attention to the core of the book. May be, they choose it for its beautiful cover only or for the inexpensive price. They do not care if the book matches the curriculum of KTSP or not. The Minister of Education Rule No 11 about text book article 3 part a mentioned that text books for every subjects used in the unit of education are chosen from text books that are defined by the ministry based on recommendation from the institution of National Education Standard Fokusmedia, 2005. In my thesis I want to observe whether the text books used in grade X, especially about the use of variations of communicative purpose, topic, text structures, and linguistic features of short functional texts and essays match the “Standar Isi” or not.

1.2 Reason for Choosing the Topic

Language plays a central role in the development of intellectual, social and emotional learners and contribute to the success of studying other subjects. Learning language is supposed to help learners to know themselves, their culture and other persons culture. Besides this, learning a language helps learners to express their idea and sense, participation in society and furthermore language help them to find and use their analytic and imaginative minds . English is an oral and written communication tool. Communication means understanding and expressing information, notion, sense to develop 7 science, technology and culture. The communication ability is the ability to understand and produce oral and written text that is realized in the four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Knowing the important role of English in society, I am interested to analyze the variations of communicative purpose, structures and linguistic features of short functional text in year X English text books. By understanding the communicative purpose of short functional text and essays, learners will respond to it accurately. Misunderstanding of the text can be avoided by the learners if they know well the communicative purpose of the text. By text is meant any connected stretch of language that is doing a job within a social context Jenny Hammond et al, 1992. Furthermore, in order that learners could produce a text, they must know the structures and linguistic feature of the text. The construction of language text in turn impacts on the context. Field, tenor and mode determine the choices that a speaker makes from the systems in the language of discourse, vocabulary and grammar Jenny Hammond et al, 1992 : 3.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The study aims at describing and analyzing some features characterizing written short functional texts and essays used in text book of year X.

1.4 Research Questions

1.4.1 What communicative purpose are displayed in short functional texts and essays in year X English text book? 8 1.4.2 What text structures are displayed in short functional texts and essays in year X English text book? 1.4.3 What linguistic features characterize the short functional texts and essays in year X English text book ? 1.4.4 To what extend compatability the short functional texts and essays in year X English text book with standar isi ?

1.5 Objectives of Study