Internal Problems External problem

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B. The Activities during the Job Training

In doing the job training, the writer had done some activities that were directly related with the head of the marketing division in Sragen Tourism Office. The writer made a good relationship with the head of marketing division. The activities done by the writer during the job training just helped the head of marketing division. The writer felt very happy because Miss Bonita the head of marketing division was very kindness and always helped me the writer if we make some mistakes. There were some activities done by the writer during the job training, such as Making an accountancy book, collecting the data, and going to tourist attractions with the head of marketing division to maintain the post sign of tourist attractions.

C. The Problems of Sragen Tourism Office for Improving the Promotion of Tourist Attractions

1. Internal Problems

1. Financial problem Fund is very important for Sragen Tourism Office to support their activities. In all Marketing program Disparbudpor requires extra expenses to finance. Definitely, The local government always considers the tourism field by giving adequate fund through Disparbudpor. However, the fund is very important to support their activities because there are many programs and they need more fund. Obviously, commit to user the marketing promotion always need more fund but they always find the difficulties because of the rule of the government. Some events are canceled due to the situation. 2. Limited equipment The institution needs sophisticated equipment, for example computer. In fact, nowadays the equipment has not fulfilled the expectation. Some of the electronic tools are damage it faces some damages and some of the tools are not good. 3. Limited information for the foreign tourists The visitors do not only come from the local region, but also foreign countries. It is sure that the staffs in the tourist attraction and in Disparbudpor have to be fluent in foreign language especially English. In fact, there are several employees who are not fluent in foreign language. As we know information staff is the main communicator for the visitors in each of the tourist attraction. Hospitality and good communication is needed in giving good service. On the other hand, there are still some weaknesses in the operation staff to have communication with the foreign tourists. The effect is that the purpose of tourism is not successfully given to the visitors. Tourists will feel unsatisfied with the service given by Disparbudpor. commit to user

2. External problem

Small number of visit of foreign tourist. Although Sragen surrounded by several cities, it can not be denied that only a few number of foreign tourists who know about the existence of the city. In addition, there are only a few Sragen tourism attractions, which are known by the other countries. This is a big problem to Sragen tourism Office because it can influence the regional income.

D. The Solution of the internal and external problems