Bayanan Hot Spa Kartika Swimming Pool

commit to user ancient people with all around them, such as the habitat, living patterns, animals lived there, and universe creation process in millions years ago. The interesting place is, based on DR.Harry Widianto’s research, that ancient people found in Sangiran site of about more than 100 individuals were in evolution period of not less than 1 million years. This number represents 65 of the whole fossils of ancient people that found all over the world Widianto, ET al.1996. It is a special thing that Indonesia has. In addition, stone devices that ever used ancient people are in great quantities, that we can clearly know or uncover the ancient people’s live with their cultures developed in that time. Sangiran was previously a hill known as “SANGIRAN DOME “. Then there was erosion by the raven on the top of it that makes a depression. On the depression, the natural layers from millions years ago were uncovered. The soil layers give very complete information about the past live by uncovering of the fossils contained, from ancient people fossils and their devices, ancient flora and fauna at that time.

2. Mount kemukus

It is one of the famous sites in Sragen Regency. Many people believe that doing a devotional visit to this place will bring a good fortune. Sragen is truly rich regency. It does not only have many resources but also richness in social and cultural heritage.

3. Bayanan Hot Spa

This hot spa spouts from the inside of the earth. It is two meters above the riverside and located in village called “BAYANAN “. commit to user Bayanan hot spa is considered to have many advantages in curing many kinds’ of diseases, such as rheumatism, itch, and, so on, many visitors coming to this place have proven that the hot spa in Bayanan is really curable. Besides curing several diseases mentioned above, this hot spa can also decrease cholesterol level in blood, revitalize our body and muscle, relieve the tiredness, and keep us young. Its natural rural scenery makes this spa really attractive for many people, especially for those who come from the big city. They can do many interesting natural-involved activities, such as tracking through the hill that surrounds the spa and camping in a large rubber forest nearby.

4. Kartika Swimming Pool

Kartika swimming pool is located about 500 meters from Sragen’s town square. This tourist destination is always visited by many people of all ages. In addition to its strategic location, the allure of the place as well as its convenient and shady circumstance is the main factors that never make this place slack. This water based tourist attraction does not only offer swimming as the main activity but also other interesting activities. Besides swimming center, it also functions as a family park and play ground. Therefore, it is not surprising if there are a lot of parents who take their children to this place. While they are waiting for their children, they can relax and chat away with other parents at gazebo or at shady park nearby. They can also enjoy many kinds of foods offered by the cafes surrounding the pool. commit to user Kartika Swimming pool is one of the outstanding tourist attractions in Sragen. Therefore, Sragen government always maintains it and provides various facilities for increasing the number of visitors and giving an excellent service for them. Some effort have been done and will be done by the government to improve Kartika Swimming pool, I.e. extending the pool area, developing and improving the play ground and its facilities, organizing the cafes, and building new pool. Sragen is very rich of cultural and traditional Javanese heritages which still strongly live in society. These heritages can be unique and interesting tourist attractions. Some of them are Larab Langse Ritual, Shadow Puppet Performance, Bedoyo Sukowati, Ritual Tourism, and Kirab Budaya cultural procession. a. Larab Langse Ritual. It is the ritual of washing the net clothe of prince Samudro’s grave. People believe that by following this ritual, their wishes will be granted by God. It is held on 1 Suro. b. Shadow Puppet Performance. This performance is the combination of Javanese traditional music gamelan, traditional songs, and puppet show wayang. c. Bedoyo Sukowati Dance. This dance is which is created by the Surakarta palace. d. Ritual Tourism. There are many rituals in Sragen Regency such as: Joko Tingkir Grave. e. Kirab Budaya Cultural Procession. This procession is an annual procession in every 27 may Sragen Regency Anniversary. commit to user

B. The Activities during the Job Training