Short Functional Texts: Spoken Announcements and E-mails

6.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Announcements and E-mails

A. Make five compound sentences. Read your work aloud.

Contoh jawaban:

1. I’m doing my homework and my sister is doing hers.

2. Beny usually goes to school by citybus, but I go to school by bicycle.

3. We never arrive at school late, nor do we skip school.

4. Will Yuyun buy a tablet PC or will his parents buy him

a laptop?

5. The principal appoints Hanif to participate in the Science Olympiad, for he’s very good at physics.

A. Listen to and complete the text based on what you

B. Make five complex sentences.

have heard.

Read your work aloud. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan

Contoh jawaban:


1. Wahyu has to stay up late because he has to submit his Ladies and gentlemen, the seminar will begin in (1) fifteen assigment tomorrow.

minutes. To anyone who are still registering, please be quick and

2. Although their houses are flooded, those people don’t want then (2) proceed to Garuda Room. Please fill in your (3) ID card to be evacuated.

with your name and place it on your pocket.

3. I usually go to school after having breakfast every morning. Ladies and gentlemen, please (4) allow me to tell you that

4. Mr. Ramli asked me whose dictionary it is. during the seminar, please set your mobile phone on (5) silent

5. Tatta who became the host of a famous TV program was my mode. I hope you will get enlightment from the seminar. Thank friend in elementary school.


C. Write a review of a book.

B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A. You may choose the book you like.

Contoh jawaban:


I.D. Very short title, right?

1. In a seminar.

I have just read a book entitled It was written by Vicki Grant. For me, this book was: a definite

2. They are still registering.


3. It will begin in fifteen minutes.

4. They should enter their names and place them on their the street, he tries to return it to its owner. In trouble at home and

Let me summarize the book. When Chris finds a wallet on


5. To inform the participants to proceed to Garuda Room school, he is struggling to do the right thing. However, as

circumstances slowly start unraveling and his whole life appears


heading down the drain, Chris realizes that the person who owns the wallet looks a lot like him and has a life he would do almost anything for. What if he switched identities? What if he became someone else?

This book is very interesting. I think it is very good! I think the book ends unexpectedly. I was reading the book and before I knew

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai it, I was finished and I thought there may be more story left, but it is

kegiatan pendalaman.

still a really great book. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang

Adopted from:

dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu

(March 24, 2011)

membacakan soal listening-nya.

A. Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:

Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has (1) illuminated the Fasten Seat Belts sign. If you haven’t already done so, please (2) stow your carry-on luggage beneath the seat in front of you or in an (3) overhead bin. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. Make sure your seat and (4) folding trays are in the full (5) upright positions. Adopted from: (March 27, 2012)

104 Reviews

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa:

4. Before that day, where will all the transactions be done? Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has

Jawaban: At the old location.

(1) __________ the Fasten Seat Belts sign. If you haven’t

5. What does the announcer say about the new location? already done so, please (2) __________ your carry-on

Jawaban: It is wider and more entertaining. luggage beneath the seat in front of you or in an (3) __________ bin. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. Make sure your seat and (4) __________ are in the full (5) __________ positions. Adopted from: (March 27, 2012)

B. Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

1. Where can people hear the announcement?

A. Arrange the sentences or clauses to form

2. What has the captain done?

a meaningful announcement.

3. Where should the passengers stow their carry-on


luggage? The correct arrangement of the sentences is 1–3–6–5–4–7–2.

4. What should be in their upright positions?

5. What is the purpose of the text?


1. On the plane.

2. He has illuminated the Fasten Seat Belts sign.

3. Beneath the seat in front of them or in an overhead bin.

4. Their seats and folding trays. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai

5. To inform the passengers to fasten their seat belts.

kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa.

C. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Arrange the sentences or clauses to form a meaningful announcement.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

1. Besides, once every two months we will have lessons Good afternoon, everybody. We will see Mr. Brad at hospital


at 4 p.m. We will leave the school at 3:45. Now, we will collect money for him and please hand your money to Ningrum, the

2. and considering the fact that cycling can help reduce pollution,

treasurer. Before that, let’s pray for his recovery. Thank you for

3. Thank you.

your attention.

4. So, the teachers will decide which lessons will be done


on that day.

1. To announce that the students will visit Mr. Brad at hospital.

5. This regulation will start next week.

2. In the afternoon.

6. We will go to these places, by bicycle.

3. At 4 p.m.

7. Dealing with the governor’s recommendation to go to

4. She’s the treasurer.

school or office, by bicycle,

5. They will pray for Mr. Brad’s recovery.

8. in the square, or other places such as museums or city parks.

9. it is hoped that all teachers and students, especially the OSIS staff members, come to school by bicycle.