Final Test

58 Final Test


air that flows from the Pacific Ocean. The flow of air is

8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu

inhibited to move eastwards to Yuma. These Mountains were


known to keep the heat in them. The weather pattern in the Man

: Look at the ferris wheel! Would you like to summer causes places like Utah, Nevada and Arizona to ride on it?

have high pressures. This high air pressures make the air in Woman : No, thanks.

North Arizona move at latitudes, in height. Due to this Man

: Come on. It will be fun! reason, a place called Yuma in Arizona, which is situated at Woman : If you like a ride, please go ahead. I’ll stay

a higher altitude, experiences more heat and gets almost here.


Narrator : Which picture shows what the man likes to Adopted from: (January 29,

12. What is the topic of the monolog?

Jawaban: A

13. Where does cool marine air that is blocked by Laguna Mountains flow from?

9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

12. Jawaban: B

Man : Sorry, I broke your glasses. They fell when

13. Jawaban: A

I took the torch near them. I promise I will buy you a new pair.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Woman : No, you don’t need to.

Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.

Man : You can’t see well without glasses, right? Once upon a time, at the edge of the sea, there was Woman : Don’t worry. I have another pair.

a rock, older than Time itself. Only The Unicorn used to go Narrator : Which picture shows the object the man

there, to watch the sea at sunset and soothe its sadness broke?

with the song of the sea. It always arrived lonely, as each night-time fell, it left even lonelier and sadder. Only the

Jawaban: B

moonlight reflecting from its mythical horn lightened the darkness and its sadness.

10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

One day, at twilight, the sea gathered all of its waves at Let me tell you about the life cycle of a grasshopper.

the foot of the rock. The watching Unicorn was puzzled. It Well, it grows in three stages. The grasshopper begins its

had never seen so much foam in one place before and then, life cycle in an egg. After hatching, the young insect is

out of the sparkling foam, “She’ was born!” called a nymph, or tiny adult, but it does not have wings.

With a body of foam and a soul made of light, ‘She’ The nymph becomes an adult insect when it has grown

climbed the rock with steps of dreams and shadows. The wings and can fly. The adult female grasshopper can lay

Unicorn looked deep into her sea-like eyes and found true eggs and the cycle restarts. Adopted from:

happiness. ‘She’ was its beloved!

(October 27, 2011)

Since then, that ancient rock had been pummeled and crushed by the pounding waves of Time, and spread afar,

Narrator : What animal is discussed in the monolog? throughout the seas of the world.

Jawaban: D

We call that crushed ancient rock ‘sand’ and imagine that it knows only of the footprints trodden into it; though soon

11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

forgetting them, as the sea wipes away the bare-foot traces, Once upon a time, there was a prince, who fell

but, in every grain of sand a memory remains, of the golden in love with a princess from another kingdom. However,

summer when The Unicorn found its true love! there was a girl in the prince’s kingdom who fell in love Adopted from:

(January 29, 2013)

with him. So, she asked a witch to kill the princess. The


witch disguised herself as the chef of the princess’ palace and served the princess some poisonous food.

14. What did the Unicorn usually do on a rock at the edge of the sea?

Luckily, the king knew about this and expelled both the

15. What did the Unicorn see one day at twilight? witch and the girl. The prince and the princess got

married and lived happily ever after.

14. Jawaban: D

Narrator : Who prevented the princess from being killed?

15. Jawaban: A

Jawaban: B This is the end of the listening section. READING SECTION


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.

48. E considered as a neighbor of the east side and is termed

Arizona is called Arid Zona by some people. Arizona is

49. D sunburn state. It is so hot in Arizona that it is usually said

50. C that you can boil an egg on your leg. The heat in Arizona is dry and it is not hot all through

41. B the year. It appears that it is hot in Arizona until October and

21. E

31. D

42. E during the Christmas it is so cool that frost forms. The

22. C

32. B

43. A Laguna Mountains in California tend to block the cool marine

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

Do you like reading stories? What kinds of stories do you like? Well, reading stories reveals a few benefits. Besides amusing ourselves, we can expand our knowledge, stimulate

At the end of this unit you

our imagination and creativity, improve our language skills, develop our thinking ability,

should be able to:

personal emotions and help overcome boredom. Stories can also be good stress relievers

1. persuade people, and what is more we can learn the moral values from the stories we read.

2. encourage people, You will learn how to understand and write narrative texts, in this unit. Enjoy yourselves

3. discourage people, by reading them and realise what you can learn from the stories. You will also learn

4. tell stories using spoken expressions of persuasion, encouragement and discouragement, as well as warning and English,

writing encouragement cards.

5. warn people,

6. understand and write narrative texts,

7. write encouragement cards, and

8. use direct and indirect sentences correctly.