Contoh jawaban:

Contoh jawaban:

If you look around town, you may see heaps of garbage

A. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

everywhere, which is really not healthy, nor good to look at. If it continues like this, we could face problems. So, from now on,

1. b 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. c let’s throw garbage into litter bins provided and let’s start separating garbage. Collect plastic garbage and convert it into

money by selling it to the nearest garbage bank.

A. Read the text and answer the questions. Jawaban:

1. An international learning center for leadership and interpersonal communication.

2. To develop potential talent across a wide arena of service industries and the educational sector.

3. It is internationally recognized. It also has an international qualification and standard.

4. Nine.

5. It is ‘acknowledged’.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan berikut sebagai soal pendalaman bagi siswa.

Read the leaflet and answer the questions that follow.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


1. What is the leaflet about? Jawaban: It is about Manipal Education’s Soft Skills Program.

2. How long has the institute experimented in education? Jawaban: Over five decades.

3. How can the program develop professionals to reach industry expectations? Jawaban: By helping the professionals apply their knowledge in a professional and organized manner. It provides them with

a strong conceptual and practical framework to develop their personality and ensure substantial improvement in behavior and approach.

4. What techniques are used in the program? Jawaban: 360 degree feedback, one-to-one interaction, group discussions, projects, etc.

5. “. . . consider an integral part of everyday business.” What is similar to ‘integral’? Jawaban: It is ‘whole’.

B. What do the following words mean?

Tape Script for Assessment

You will find the words in the text in Task C. Jawaban:

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog.

1. rahasia

2. yang sepenuhnya

Boy : We will have a long holiday. Where are we going?

3. disitulah, disanalah

4. permulaan

Girl : Um . . . actually I would like to go on a picnic. However,

5. banyak

6. pada awalnya

mom and dad will not have a holiday. Boy : Yes, you’re right.

7. pertanyaan

8. ragu-ragu

Girl : Do you have any idea then?

C. Read the following leaflet and complete the

Boy : We can spend our holiday in Bandung, at our uncle’s

statements that follow.

home. I miss Della and Roy, our cousins. Girl : Good idea, but do you think it’s possible that mom and


dad will allow us to go there?

1. integrative counseling

Boy : It’s possible.

2. confidentiality Girl : Let’s tell them about our idea.

3. once a week; fifty


4. contacting the counselors by phone or e-mail at first and

1. What would they like to go on holiday? then arrange an initial meeting

2. Who do you think the speakers are?

5. Nicola Saunders, the counselor

Question 3 refers to the following dialog.

D. Complete the text with the correct words from the

Boy : Would you like to attend the Batik Carnival in Solo day


after tomorrow?


Girl : Sure. I am very curious about it. It has been held several

1. c 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. b Boy : times, but I have never seen before. Neither have I. What about attending it together?

E. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based

Girl : Good idea.

on the text in Task D.


3. What is the girl curious about?


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. E Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

In this modern era many people like consuming frozen food. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let’s discuss it. On one hand, frozen food is fast and easy. Cooking has always been time consuming. That’s why, cooking with readymade products is becoming more and more popular.

Write a leaflet dealing recent issues.

Besides that, frozen food is still nutritious since the product is

You may find some reference.

picked and frozen at the peak of its ripeness.

Contoh jawaban:

On the other hand, frozen food has disadvantages. Frozen food is first blanched or boiled in order to sterilize it. This process breaks down some water-soluble nutrients and the real problem with frozen food is the chemicals, preservatives and amount of salt that is packed into them. We all know that salt is an enemy when it comes to dieting and to our heart health. Adopted from:

(March 15, 2012)


4. What is the monolog about?

5. Why is the sterilization process in making frozen food not good for our health?

Adopted from: broadsheet/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ Flood-leaflet2a.png (January 28, 2013)

48 Discussions

Tape Script for Review Unit III Version A Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Girl : Many Indonesian singers are obsessed with going

I. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

international. Is it possible for them? Boy : Why not? There have been Indonesian singers who


have gone international, such as Anggun and Agnes

Girl : Yes, but it’s very difficult.

Boy : Of course. We don’t get anything without hard effort.

II. Write a discussion text.

1. What is the dialog about?

You may choose your own topic. Question 2 refers to the following dialog.

Contoh jawaban:

Girl : Hey, I found this small gift in my drawer. In this modern era, almost everyone wants everything

Boy : Who is the sender?

simple. They like practical packages, including food. There are

I don’t know. Hmm . . . I am curious about who sent me many kinds of foods, like tinned foods. Actually, there are pros

Girl :

the gift.

and cons of tinned foods. Let me tell you about them. Boy : Just open the gift and you will find the writer’s name on it. On the positive side, tinned foods are stored easily.


Compared to fresh foods, tinned foods have longer shelf-life. Not

2. What is the girl curious about?

only that. They are more economical. Furthermore, the packaging can be recycled.

Question 3 refers to the following dialog.

However, tinned foods have negative sides too. Nutrients, Boy : There are a number of smart students but they come especially vitamin C and potassium, are lost during the canning

from poor families. What do you think? process. Moreover, salt or sugar is often added to the food, used

I think the government should pay attention to them. as preservatives. Finally, the negative side of tinned foods is that,

Girl :

Boy : What do you mean?

their taste and texture are not always as good as fresh foods. Girl : There should be funds or scholarships for them. So, what will you choose now? Will you still prefer

consuming tinned foods to fresh foods?


Adopted from:

3. What is the girl’s view about a number of smart students

Fresh.htm (March 15, 2012)

who are poor?

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

Terracing is one way to prevent erosion or farmland runoff. It is making slopes into steps so that rain cannot run down a hill carrying away the soil. Like other methods, it has arguments for and against. Let’s discuss the two sides.

One of the reasons why people choose terracing is that it prevents water from running down hills. More than that, it increases water infiltration and root development.

On the contrary, terracing has disadvantages. It could become expensive and require heavy equipment. Not only that. It may hinder more modern or authomatic farming practices. Adapted from:

Rain%20Erosion.html (March 15, 2012)


4. What is the monolog about?

5. Why do people choose terracing?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

Review Unit III Version A

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

: 1 (satu) Kelas





Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a boat and fishing trip.

A. Listening Section

B. To sell boat and fishing equipment.

C. To persuade people to join a boating and fishing day.

1. A. Some Indonesian singers.

D. To persuade families that they should have activities

B. Some singers’ great efforts.


C. Some popular international singers.

E. To persuade people that boating and fishing are good,

D. The possibility for some people to be singers.

to bond families.

E. The possibility for some Indonesian singers to go international.

7. “No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing.” The word ‘bond’ means ________.

2. A. The thing in the gift.

A. give fun

B. The one who sent her the gift.

B. give chances

C. The one who received the gift.

C. help guiding

D. The one who took her gift.

D. develop relationships

E. The price of the gift.

E. develop an understanding

3. A. We should help them.

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

B. We should appreciate their achievements.

C. We should not underestimate them.

D. The government should have a fund or scholarship for them.

E. The government should provide them with many facilities.

4. A. Why terracing is useful.

B. The description of terracing.

C. Pros and cons of terracing.

D. The function of terracing.

E. The cost of terracing.

5. A. Because it is cheap.

B. Because it requires simple equipment.

C. Because it allows more modern farming practices.

D. Because it decreases water infiltration.

E. Because it increases water infiltration.

This is the end of the listening section.

B. Reading Section The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing. They provide wonderful opportunities for us to talk, laugh and create new memories. So take someone you love, out on the water and see where the water takes you. To learn about local boating and fishing resources, plus helpful tips for your next trip, please visit Adopted from: Live-Read Radio PSA Scripts in (March 19, 2012)

Adopted from: (March 19, 2012)