Mid-Term Test 1

38 Mid-Term Test 1

10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

The three of them arrived at a vast sea the following

A group of alumni, highly established in their day. There was no boat they could use to cross the sea until careers, got together to visit their old university

a fisherman named Herman offered his help. Then, the four professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints

men crossed the sea together and arrived at a small island. about stress at work and in life.

They met an old man who told them that they had actually Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to

found the treasure. The old man explained that the treasure the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and

they were looking for was FRIENDSHIP. They had different

a variety of cups–porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, plain backgrounds, but they traveled together. They helped each looking, expensive looking and telling them to help

other sincerely.

themselves to the coffee. Knowing the four men were blank, the old man invited When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,

them into his house. He served his most delicious food and the professor said, “If you notice, all the expensive

gave each of them a lump of gold. “You know, friendship is as looking cups are taken, leaving behind the plain looking

priceless as gold. So, you must preserve it,” said the man. ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for


yourselves, that is the source of your problems and

12. How many characters are there in the story? stress. Be assured that the cup itself does not add quality

13. What can you learn from the story? to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and

probably, even hides what we drink.”

12. Jawaban: D

All the alumni looked at their own cups and

13. Jawaban: A

glanced at the others’. “What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best

Teks yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru:

cups and then you began eyeing each other’s cups,” the

Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.

professor continued talking, “now consider this: life is the Let me tell you how hurricanes form. Hurricanes are the coffee while the jobs, money and society status are the

most violent storms on Earth. They are also known as cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life and the

typhoons or cyclones, depending on where they occur. The type of cup we have does not define, nor change the

scientific term for all these storms is tropical cyclone. Only quality of our life. Sometimes, by concentrating on only

tropical cyclones that form over the Atlantic Ocean or the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God provided us.”

eastern Pacific Ocean are called “hurricanes.” Whatever they

are called, tropical cyclones all form the same way.

Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/godcoffee.htm (February

Tropical cyclones are like giant engines that use warm, moist air as fuel. That is why, they form only over warm

Narrator : What did the professor serve to the alumni? ocean waters near the equator. The warm, moist air over the ocean rises upward from near the surface. Because this air

Jawaban: C

moves up and away from the surface, there is less air left near the surface. Another way to explain, is when the warm

11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

air rises, an area of lower air pressure is created below. Have you ever wondered how snow falls? A cloud

Air from surrounding areas with higher air pressure is a mixture of air and very tiny droplets of water. When

pushes in to the low pressure area. That “new” air then the droplets of water get very cold, they turn to ice. Ice

becomes warm and moist and rises, too. As the warm air particles start very small. They travel through the air and

continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its more water freezes on them to form ice crystals. When

place. As the warmed, moist air rises and cools off, the water the ice crystals are big enough, they merge, to become

in the air forms clouds. The whole system of clouds and wind snow flakes. When the snow flakes are heavy enough,

spins and grows, fed by the ocean’s heat and water they fall to the ground. That is how the snow falls and

evaporating from the surface.

people then realise how cold it is.

Adopted from: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/hurricanes/ (January 28, 2013) Adopted from: Thomas Bye, On Location: Reading and Writing for Success in the Content Areas, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.


Narrator: Which picture best describes the monolog?

14. What is the monolog about?

15. Where do tropical cyclones form?

Jawaban: D

14. Jawaban: C


15. Jawaban: E

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: This is the end of the listening section. Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.

There was a poor bricklayer named Hadi. One day, Hadi


found a treasure map. He told his family that he would go find

46. E that treasure. At first, his family forbade him, but then they let

16. E

31. C

47. C him go. He insisted that he didn’t want to live in poverty.

17. D

32. A

48. E Hadi left his home early in the morning and went down

18. B

33. A

49. C the road as shown on the map. Then, he arrived at a thick

19. D

34. B

50. B forest where he met a ranger named Rino. Rino told him that

it would be dangerous for him to pass the thick forest alone.

22. E

37. E

So, he decided to accompany him. Hadi was very happy

23. C

38. C

because he had a friend to chat with during his journey.

24. B

39. D

The next day, Hadi and Rino arrived at a high stony hill.

25. B

40. C

They had to pass the hill if they wanted to find the treasure.

26. D

41. D

Not long after that, a stone cutter named Toni greeted them.

27. B

42. A

Hadi and Rino knew that Toni had to know the passage very

28. B

43. B

well, so they invited him to join. He agreed and went with

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

All people must have different opinions and views about recent issues. The opinions may be for or against it. In this democratic era, people have more freedom to express their

At the end of this unit you

ideas and thoughts, especially through mass media. In literary texts, discussions are from

should be able to:

two points of view. It is called a discussion text. Now, in this unit you will learn more about

1. ask about possibility,

discussion texts and their examples.

2. express curiosity and wishes,

3. express views,

4. create discussions using spoken English,

5. create short functional texts (spoken public service announcements/ advertisements),

6. create written discussions,

7. write short functional texts (leaflets), and

8. use contrastive conjunctions.