The Interpretation of the Data

26 48 72 24 27 52 72 20 28 60 80 20 N = 28 1432 Average: 1432 28 = 51.14 2048 Average: 2048 28 = 73.14 616 Average: 606 28 = 22 From the data of controlled class above, it can be seen that the lowest score of pre-test is 40 and the highest score is 64. Then the lowest score of post-test is 64, and the highest score is 84. It means that post-test score is higher than pre-test.

2. The Interpretation of the Data

Based on the analysis of the result above, it can be observed that the scores of students who have been taught vocabulary by using The Jakarta Post newspaper articles are higher than those who have been taught by using textbooks. It means that improving the students’ vocabulary mastery by using The Jakarta Post newspaper articles is more effective than by using textbooks since the alternative hypothesis Ha was accepted and the null hypothesis Ho was rejected. The writer summarized that improving the students’ vocabulary mastery by using The Jakarta Post newspaper articles has positive influence for the second grade of MTs. Al-Khairiyah Jakarta Selatan. 39


This chapter presents conclusions and suggestions based on the research at the second grade of “MTs. Al-Khairiyah Jakarta Selatan”.

A. Conclusions

As the writer wrote in the first chapter, that he intended to find the empirical evidence whether or not there is an influence between the using of the Jakarta Post newspaper articles toward the students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, he done this research and after conducting the research, the writer got the calculation, which is shown in the fourth chapter t o is 4.31 and t table of degree of significance 5 is 2.01. It means that alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected because t o t table . Therefore, it can be inferred that teaching English vocabulary by using The Jakarta Post newspaper articles has a significant influence and it is more effective than teaching English vocabulary by using textbooks.

B. Suggestions

From the research findings, the writer gives some suggestions. As the English teacher, heshe should be creative in teaching vocabulary because the more learners master the vocabularies the better their performances in all aspects of English language will be. So, newspaper article is one of the alternative ways that can be used by the teacher in teaching and in improving students’ vocabulary mastery because it has a various types of English writing including formal or informal language and it will also be particularly helpful for those students who may go to live or work in the target-language community.