The Technique of Data Analysis The Procedure of the Research

b. Pre Test and Post Test

The next steps were pre test and post test. The pre test was administered before teaching and learning process to both of classes – experiment class and controlled class ‒ to know that the students have relatively the same competence in English vocabulary in both experiment class and controlled class, and the post-test was administered after finishing the teaching and learning process. Next, the writer made categories from scores with rank value below: ≤ 50 : Weak 51-60 : Enough 61-70 : Good 71-80 : Very good 81-90 : Excellent

7. The Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data the writer used t-test. The writer compared the scores between the experiment class and the control class. This technique is useful to know whether there is a significant different between two variables. The formula of t-test which was used in this research is: M 1 – M 2 SE M1 – M2 M 1 : Mean of the Difference of Experiment class M 2 : Mean of the Difference of Control class SE M 1 : Standard Error of experiment class SE M2 : Standard Error of Control class t o = The procedures of calculation were as follows: a. Determining Mean of Variable X, the formula is: M 1 = ∑ X N 1 b. Determining Mean of Variable Y, the formula is: M 2 = ∑ X N 2 c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, the formula is: SD 1 = X 2 N 1 d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, the formula is: SD 2 = Y 2 N 2 e. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, the formula is: SE M1 = SD 1 N 1 −1 f. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y, the formula is: SE M2 = SD 2 N 2 −1 g. Determining Standard Error of Difference Mean of Variable X and Variable Y, with formula: SE MI-M2 = �� �1 2 + �� �2 2 h. Determining t o with formula: t o = M 1 −M 2 SE M 1 −M 2 i. Determining t-table in significance level 5 and 1 with Degree of freedom df: df = N1+N2 ‒ 2 Variable X: teaching vocabulary with The Jakarta Post newspaper articles Variable Y: teaching vocabulary with textbooks

8. The Procedure of the Research

Before doing the experiment, the writer observed the location and population were carried out. The research was done in two different classes, namely experiment class and controlled class. The writer employed The Jakarta Post newspaper articles in an experiment class and textbooks in controlled class. This research was started with the same type pre-test and then followed by the teaching – learning activities for four meetings which are conducted in each class. Afterward the same type post-test was administered to both experiment class and control class. For more detailed activities in teaching learning process, look at the appendices RPP, p. 45. Then the writer, made a calculation of the result from both of tests. The further explanation will be discussed in the research findings.

9. The Analysis of The Data