










By: HOLIPA NIM 09360220




This thesis written by HOLIPA approved on October 26, 2013


Advisor II, Advisor I,


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Educationf Muhammadiyah University of Malang

and accepted as one of requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 25, 2013

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Drs. Marzuki, M.Pd 1………

2. Masduki, Dr.,Drs.,M.Pd 2………....

3. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si 3……….



Praise be to god, Allah SWT The Almighty, Beneficent, and Merciful. By his guidance and blessing, the writer of the thesis can finish writing the thesis.

The writer of the thesis would like to express her gratitude and thanks to her advisor, Dra Erly Wahyuni, M.Si and her second advisor Drs. Taufiq Burhan, M.Ed for their guidance’s, kindness and patient in giving their precious time and knowledge to finish the thesis and also the best regard is given to the head of the head of the English department and all of lectures of English Department.

The great regard and gratitude are given to her beloved husband, Suharnanto, father, Sakim, mother, Muliani ‘the deceased’ , sisters, Hariani, Eka Setyowati and her special friends who always give love affection, attention, prayer and supports to her writer of the thesis in finance and moral.

The gratitude and regard are also given to beloved her best friends Rara, Eva, Cristy, Ba’im and all of students English Department 2009 who give motivation and help her in writing this thesis.

Malang, October 25, 2013



APPROVAL ……….. i



ABSTRACT ………... iv



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ………... 1

2.2 Statement of the problem ……… 2

1.3 Purpose of the study ……… 3

1.4 Significance of the study ………. 3

1.5 Scope and limitation ……… 4

1.6 Definition of key terms ……… 4


2.2 Novel ……….. 6

2.3 The kinds of Novel ………. 7

2.3.1 Adventure novel ……….. 7

2.3.2 Detective novel ………. ... 8

2.3.3. Social novel ………. ... 8

2.3.4 Political novel ………. 8

2.3.5 Psychological novel ……….. ... 8

2.4 Elements of Novel ……….. 9

2.4.1 Character and Characteristic ………. ... 9

2.4.2 Plot ……….. 10

2.4.3 Conflict ……… 11

2.4.4 Theme ………. 12

2.5 The Meaning of Anger ……… 12

2.6 Factors that Causes Anger …………...……… 13

2.7 Types of Anger ……… 14

2.8 Three general strategies to deal with anger ………. … 15

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design …….……… 16

3.2 Approach ………. 16

3.2.1 Objective Approach ………. 17

3.2.2 Mimetic Approach ……… … 17

3.2.3 Expressive Approach ……… … 17

3.2.4 Pragmatic Approach ………. … 17

3.3 The Object of the Study ……… 18

3.4 Data Instrument ……… 18

3.5 Data Collection ………. 18



4.1 Research Finding ……….. 20

4.1.1 Causes of Myrna Clark’s Anger ……… 20 Spied On ………. 21 Feel Annoyed ……….. 22

4.1.2 The Effect Myrna Clark’s Anger towards Herself and Other……. 23 Shouted Aloud ……… 23 Threaten the Reporter ………...….. 24

4.2 Discussion ………. 25


5.2 Lesson ……….. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY





The young reporters are Ros, Kenny and Jamie. They write for their school paper and also for the local newspaper (where Ros's mother works), so they're always on the lookout for a story. So is the unscrupulous Unity McPhee, who writes for scandal magazines and will stop at nothing to get a scoop.



Alexander, Michael. 2000. A History of English Literature. London: Macmillan Press Ltd.

Aminuddin, 1984, 1990. Sekitar Masalah Sastra. Malang: Yayasan Asih, asah,asuh. Ary, Donald. 2006. Introduction to Research in Education Eight Edition, USA:

Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Curse, Maules. 1943. In Defense of Reason. The University of Denver Press.

Daniel, Kathleen. Adventures In Appreciation. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich New York Chicago San Francisco Atlanta Dallas and London.

Douglas, backy. 1994. www. Delcom. lib. pa. us / Anger.

Eagleton, Terry. 1943. Literary Theory. UK: Blackwell publishing 2nd edition. Escott, John. Postcard Riddle Novel. London: Blackie and Son Ltd.

Fetham, Collin. 2000. Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy. The Dorse Press. Guntur Tarigan, Hanry. 1984. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Penerbit


Kennedy,X.J. 2004. Literature, An Introduction to Fiction, poetry, and Drama.

Toronto: Longman Publishing Group.

Koesnobroto, Sunaryo Basuki.1988. The anatomy of prose fiction. Jakarta. Proyek pengembangan lembaga pendidikan dan tenaga kependidikan.

Lewis, Qumby ( htpp// www.eacerta msn.com / anger ).

Robert. S. 1946. Psychology the Fundamental. Houghton Mifflin Company.

William,V.1981. A History of English Literature. Great Britain: Basil BlackwellPublisher limited.

http://www.marchagainsthomophobia.org/2009/09/advantages-of-reading-novels.html accessed on 26 may 2013




In this chapter, the writer wants to present the review of related literature. It concerns with theoretical framework underlying this study, which is divided into main headings of literature, novel, the kinds of novel, elements of novel, and the meaning of anger.

2.1 Literature

Literature is very interesting to be discussed when a reader can understand and like it. It is better when a reader has a good sense about literary works, for instance a novel. According Eagleton (1996:2) literature is imaginative writing in the sense of fiction. Another opinion is from Alexander (2000), who says that literature is a word with a qualitative implication, not just a neutral term for writing in general.

Koesnosoebroto (1988), states that literature presents something that pleases us. And it pleases us by imitating life, or more precisely, by showing its author’s fiction of life, event, or experience as it is or the reader thinks it should be.

Literature not only gives enjoyment to its readers but also gives something more important to their life. Literature as we believe will expand or refine our minds or quicken our sense of our life.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that literature is the life expression of human personal in the form of experience, thoughts, feeling, idea enthusiasm, conviction in a concrete description that inspire enchantment by using language as media.

Literature can be divided into two different groups namely informative literature and imaginative literature. Informative literature deals with fact, explanation of real people’s life, and history that aim at conveying knowledge to the readers. This writing involves scientific articles, history books, dictionaries, and school textbooks. On the other hand, the imaginative literature aims at entertaining as well as giving information. In this case the author tries to tell about thoughts, ideas and feeling. This writing involves short stories, novel, poetry, and drama. And the study of Myrna Clark’s anger on “Postcard Riddle” is categorized into the study of imaginative literature.

2.2 Novel

William (1981: 187) states that novel is an extended piece of narrative prose fiction which usually expresses the large value of segments of society. However, as

the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary tell us that the novel is story in prose,

long enough to fill one or more volumes, about either imagery or historical people. While Shorter Oxford Dictionary states that novel is fictions prose narrative of considerable length in which character and action representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity.


From that statement above, it can be concluded that novel is long work of narrative and describes about the human life. Novel as one literary work aims to entertain and to inform something to the reader. By reading this novel, someone will get more information about life of society and also we will get enjoyment.

There is a difference between short story and novel. One of the chief differences between short story and novel, aside from length, is in focus. Short story focuses one incident in time, novel has far more range. It may deal with a lifetime, a number of accidents. A novel may have many characters. Some of whom never even came into contact with others; the number of setting may will probably be greater in a novel than in a short story. A novel spends longer time and has more characters than in short story.

Short story and novel have similarities. Both of them are prose fiction and deal with problems. And both of them have aims to entertain and to inform the audience.

2.3 The Kinds of Novel

According to Guntur (1984:165) there are five kinds of novel, they are: adventure novel, detective novel, social novel, political novel, and psychological novel. Those will be explaining more briefly below;

2.3.1 Adventure Novel

Adventure novel tells about an existing or dangerous journey. It also talks about experience and full with many events. The most dominant role is man, because


the content of this story involve man’s problem. If the woman is mentioned in this novel, may be just little of it.

2.3.2 Detective Novel

Detective novel has tight connection of mysteries or secrets. This novel tells about the crime or the criminals that are relevant with the law people. The authors always try to create a good technique by rising suspense, questions to guess the follow up of the story in order that the readers are more interested in the story of the novel.

2.3.3. Social Novel

In the social novel, the character is just used for supporting character because the main character is the problem that happens in this circumstance.

2.3.4. Political Novel

In the political novel, the problems are not observed from people’s problem point of view as individual, but it is observed from the group problem point of view in the society.

2.3.5. Psychological Novel

This novel emphasizes on the description of psychological development of character. In psychological novel, what becomes the author’s attention is the psychological change of the character.


2.4 Elements of Novel

Novel has various elements which are very important and they are always dependent on each other in the story. These elements must work together to make a good story. It is important for the writer of this thesis to explain the important aspects of novel. In this study the writer only discusses some elements, which are related with this study. Those are character, characteristic, plot, conflict and theme.

2.4.1. Character and Characteristic

According to Daniel (1989:772) character is person or animal or natural force representing person in work of literature.

Character is categorized into main character and minor character. Main character is the most important character in a story, basically, a story is about this character, but he doesn’t stand on his own, he needs other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike. In this novel the example of main characters are; Ros, Kenny, Jammie and Unity McPhee. Minor character is character of less importance than the main character. A minor character is one who only helps the main character or major character. In this case the one of the minor character is Myrna Clark who was become an object of the main characters.

Furthermore, character can be categorized in two groups, firstly flat character and secondly, round character. In flat character there is no changing of the characteristic in the story. For example, the character has a good characteristic from the beginning up to the end of the story. On the other hand, round character is, there


is changing in the characteristic of the character in the story. For instance, at first, the character has bad characteristic but at the end story he has good characteristic.

Besides main character, major character, flat character, and round character, there are also protagonist and antagonist character. Protagonist is a character who has good personality, such as patience, kindness, and bravery, meanwhile antagonist is character that has bad personality such us cruel, coward, rough, and betray.

2.4.2 Plot

Talking about story cannot be separated from plot, because plot is an important element of the story. To make the readers understand better about plot, the writer of this thesis presents definition of plot.

Curse (1943:424) explains plot of a novel is the series of incidents that take us from a “beginning” to an “end”.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that plot is the series of event that lead from beginning to end. Each event is related to the conflict, the struggle that the main character undergoes. Usually a plot begins with exposition, the background of setting and situation of some interesting elements.

In the end of story, there are closed plot and open plot. In a closed plot the writer resolves or concludes the story for the reader, it easy for the readers to understand the whole of the story. In open plot the story frequently ends in the climax, and the writer lets the reader to decide what he thinks about the resolution or outcome of the story.


According to Koesnosoebroto (1988:33) the plot of a good story usually proceeds according to the following structure;

In the beginning of the story, the exposition, the author in introduces us to the people, place, and situation that are needed to know in order to enjoy the story.

The narrativehook is the point at which the author catches our attention. It is the beginning of rising action of the plot. We became aware of the character’s problem and from that point on we are in suspense about what will happen next.

The rising action adds complications to the problems and increases our interest in the story.

The climax is the point of our highest interest and greatest emotional involvement in the story, it is the point in the story when we know for certain how the problem are going to be resolved.

The falling action relates the events that result from the climax.

The resolution ends the falling action of the story by telling or implying the final outcome.

2.4.3. Conflict

According to Daniel (1980:773) conflict is the strain in a made up story or drama, the opposition of two forces. The opposition can happen with one character, between two characters, between a character and his society and between a character and the nature.

According to Daniel (1980:773) conflict is divided into three categories. Those are social conflict, physical conflict, and psychological conflict.


1. Social conflict

Conflict between a character and another character. 2. Physical conflict

Conflict between human being and nature or environment. 3. Psychological conflict

Conflict between human being and herself / himself.

Conflict in literary works cannot be separated from the plot of the story because the conflict occurs from the accidents of episode, which builds up the story. It means that conflict and plot are related to each other since conflict comes from the sequences of the plot of the story.

2.4.4 Theme

According to Curse (1972:425) theme is the main idea or massage that the writer communicates to the reader.

Theme in the novel is very important. Theme will teach the readers to understand the story. It also describes the author’s massages, most stories have a theme and we call, “massage” of the story. People can find the theme of the story by reading the story thoroughly. Different person may draw different theme or different massage from the story.

2.5 The Meaning of Anger

Anger is commonly emotional experienced by us all, and if it is used constructively, it can be a positive and empowering emotion (Collin, 2000:425).


Another definition is given by Robert (1946:442). According to him anger is a common outcome of any number of life’s everyday frustrations and annoyances: head, noise, crowding, exercise, drugs and alcohol all can lead to anger.

From the definition given by experts above it can be concluded that anger is natural emotion felt by everyone from time to time. Like other emotion we experience, such us happiness and sadness, anger can affect our mood. Since our mood influences our action, it is easy to see how feeling of anger can affect our behavior. Anger can be defined as a “strong feeling of displeasure”.

2.6 Factors that Causes Anger

The major origin or causes of anger control problems for any individual are likely to be an interaction of both internal and external factors (Collin Fetham, 2000:426).

Internal determinants are often rooted in childhood formative experience. These commonly include a family history of violence of aggression, experience of bullying, experience of physical sexual, emotion abuse or neglect. In addition, biological predisposition or vulnerability factors might also an important role.

External or social factors also have a role in determining aggression for example, frustration, provocation, peer influence. Environmental factor such as noise overcrowding or poor living conditions can also be influential determinants.


2.7 Types of Anger

Lewis, (1995) in his article “anger” identifies four types of natural anger, adaptation anger, adopted anger and responsive anger (http// www encerta msn.com /anger).

Natural anger is such kind of biological anger. It will happen when someone (it can be a child or an adult) trying to attack, the body reaction of this response is pain experienced, anger respond expressed. The reaction of this anger is without thinking. This anger also happens if something is taken away from someone such as a breast from a hungry baby.

Adaptation anger is the anger that toddlers learn from their parents or caretakers. Environment will determine the child’s knowledge about value, validity and the effectiveness of anger, when a child finds that the response of anger is punishment or isolation, they will discount this action. Consequently they will say “I will never be angry or we will never be calm” although they won’t change anything.

Adapted anger is the anger that happens by thinking process or fear before it is expressed. It is socialized appropriately but still be effective in setting boundaries and making control with others.

Lewis says that, responsive anger is very important in keeping relationship. Because this anger happens when someone makes contact but the other is trying to disturb and alienate.


2.8 Three general strategies to deal with anger

According to Douglas (1994) there are three general strategies to deal with the anger (www.Delcom.Lib.pa.us/anger).

The first general strategy involves relaxation. Since anger involves physiological arousal such as increase heart rate, sweating, muscular tension, and facial flush, a productive way to “vent” anger is by negating the effects of this physiological arousal through relaxation techniques. Some of these techniques include slow, rhythmic breathing, tensing, and relaxing muscles in a systematic manner until the body is relaxed.

The second general strategy for dealing with anger is involving interpersonal communication. Since most anger-inducing situation involve other people, it is very important to be able to express how our feeling in a reasonable and understandable manner, and to be able to understand how the other persons feeling.

The last strategy for dealing with anger is problem solving technique that is used to understand precisely about the anger.


is changing in the characteristic of the character in the story. For instance, at first, the character has bad characteristic but at the end story he has good characteristic.

Besides main character, major character, flat character, and round character, there are also protagonist and antagonist character. Protagonist is a character who has good personality, such as patience, kindness, and bravery, meanwhile antagonist is character that has bad personality such us cruel, coward, rough, and betray.

2.4.2 Plot

Talking about story cannot be separated from plot, because plot is an important element of the story. To make the readers understand better about plot, the writer of this thesis presents definition of plot.

Curse (1943:424) explains plot of a novel is the series of incidents that take us from a “beginning” to an “end”.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that plot is the series of event that lead from beginning to end. Each event is related to the conflict, the struggle that the main character undergoes. Usually a plot begins with exposition, the background of setting and situation of some interesting elements.

In the end of story, there are closed plot and open plot. In a closed plot the writer resolves or concludes the story for the reader, it easy for the readers to understand the whole of the story. In open plot the story frequently ends in the climax, and the writer lets the reader to decide what he thinks about the resolution or outcome of the story.


According to Koesnosoebroto (1988:33) the plot of a good story usually proceeds according to the following structure;

In the beginning of the story, the exposition, the author in introduces us to the people, place, and situation that are needed to know in order to enjoy the story.

The narrative hook is the point at which the author catches our attention. It is the beginning of rising action of the plot. We became aware of the character’s problem and from that point on we are in suspense about what will happen next.

The rising action adds complications to the problems and increases our interest in the story.

The climax is the point of our highest interest and greatest emotional involvement in the story, it is the point in the story when we know for certain how the problem are going to be resolved.

The falling action relates the events that result from the climax.

The resolution ends the falling action of the story by telling or implying the final outcome.

2.4.3. Conflict

According to Daniel (1980:773) conflict is the strain in a made up story or drama, the opposition of two forces. The opposition can happen with one character, between two characters, between a character and his society and between a character and the nature.

According to Daniel (1980:773) conflict is divided into three categories. Those are social conflict, physical conflict, and psychological conflict.


1. Social conflict

Conflict between a character and another character. 2. Physical conflict

Conflict between human being and nature or environment. 3. Psychological conflict

Conflict between human being and herself / himself.

Conflict in literary works cannot be separated from the plot of the story because the conflict occurs from the accidents of episode, which builds up the story. It means that conflict and plot are related to each other since conflict comes from the sequences of the plot of the story.

2.4.4 Theme

According to Curse (1972:425) theme is the main idea or massage that the writer communicates to the reader.

Theme in the novel is very important. Theme will teach the readers to understand the story. It also describes the author’s massages, most stories have a theme and we call, “massage” of the story. People can find the theme of the story by reading the story thoroughly. Different person may draw different theme or different massage from the story.

2.5 The Meaning of Anger

Anger is commonly emotional experienced by us all, and if it is used constructively, it can be a positive and empowering emotion (Collin, 2000:425).


Another definition is given by Robert (1946:442). According to him anger is a common outcome of any number of life’s everyday frustrations and annoyances: head, noise, crowding, exercise, drugs and alcohol all can lead to anger.

From the definition given by experts above it can be concluded that anger is natural emotion felt by everyone from time to time. Like other emotion we experience, such us happiness and sadness, anger can affect our mood. Since our mood influences our action, it is easy to see how feeling of anger can affect our behavior. Anger can be defined as a “strong feeling of displeasure”.

2.6 Factors that Causes Anger

The major origin or causes of anger control problems for any individual are likely to be an interaction of both internal and external factors (Collin Fetham, 2000:426).

Internal determinants are often rooted in childhood formative experience. These commonly include a family history of violence of aggression, experience of bullying, experience of physical sexual, emotion abuse or neglect. In addition, biological predisposition or vulnerability factors might also an important role.

External or social factors also have a role in determining aggression for example, frustration, provocation, peer influence. Environmental factor such as noise overcrowding or poor living conditions can also be influential determinants.


2.7 Types of Anger

Lewis, (1995) in his article “anger” identifies four types of natural anger, adaptation anger, adopted anger and responsive anger (http// www encerta msn.com /anger).

Natural anger is such kind of biological anger. It will happen when someone (it can be a child or an adult) trying to attack, the body reaction of this response is pain experienced, anger respond expressed. The reaction of this anger is without thinking. This anger also happens if something is taken away from someone such as a breast from a hungry baby.

Adaptation anger is the anger that toddlers learn from their parents or caretakers. Environment will determine the child’s knowledge about value, validity and the effectiveness of anger, when a child finds that the response of anger is punishment or isolation, they will discount this action. Consequently they will say “I will never be angry or we will never be calm” although they won’t change anything.

Adapted anger is the anger that happens by thinking process or fear before it is expressed. It is socialized appropriately but still be effective in setting boundaries and making control with others.

Lewis says that, responsive anger is very important in keeping relationship. Because this anger happens when someone makes contact but the other is trying to disturb and alienate.


2.8 Three general strategies to deal with anger

According to Douglas (1994) there are three general strategies to deal with the anger (www.Delcom.Lib.pa.us/anger).

The first general strategy involves relaxation. Since anger involves physiological arousal such as increase heart rate, sweating, muscular tension, and facial flush, a productive way to “vent” anger is by negating the effects of this physiological arousal through relaxation techniques. Some of these techniques include slow, rhythmic breathing, tensing, and relaxing muscles in a systematic manner until the body is relaxed.

The second general strategy for dealing with anger is involving interpersonal communication. Since most anger-inducing situation involve other people, it is very important to be able to express how our feeling in a reasonable and understandable manner, and to be able to understand how the other persons feeling.

The last strategy for dealing with anger is problem solving technique that is used to understand precisely about the anger.