29 analyze your results, including the probability level at which you determined significance usually at 0.05 probability. Style: The style in this section should read as if you were verbally describing the conduct of the experiment. You may use the active voice to a certain extent, although this section requires more use of third person, passive constructions than others. Avoid use of the first person in this section. Remember to use the past tense throughout - the work being reported is done, and was performed in the past, not the future. The Methods section is not a step-by-step, directive, protocol as you might see in your lab manual.

4.6. Hasil Penelitian Results

Remember that the Results section has both text and illustrative materials Tables and Figures. Use the text component to guide the reader through your key results, i.e., those results which answer the questions you investigated. Each Table and Figure must be referenced in the text portion of the results, and you must tell the reader what the key results is that each Table or Figure conveys. Bab mengenai Hasil Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengemukakan hasil penelitian. Secara umum bagian ini berisi penemuan-penemuan penelitian, penjelasan serta penafsiran data, dan hubungan data yang diperoleh. Menulis hasil harus jelas supaya pembaca tidak mengira penulis telah menyembunyikan sesuatu atau mengira bagian tersebut terlewat pada waktu pertama kali membaca. Informasi dan data yang rumit sebaiknya disajikan tidak berupa uraian verbal. Tabel, gambar, foto, dan grafik sering dapat memberikan keterangan yang lebih jelas daripada jajaran kata-kata. Walaupun demikian , masih diperlukan uraian yang memadai untuk menjelaskan gambar tersebut. Suatu kaidah yang berguna adalah bahwa uraian dapat mempunyai arti tanpa adanya tabel atau grafik, dan sebaliknya data yang sama dengan tabel atau grafik. Dalam uraian, perhatian lebih diberikan pada ba-gian-bagian yang dianggap penting dari tabel atau grafik. Uraian narasi digunakan untuk menekankan segi-segi penting dari tabel atau grafik apabila nanti sampai pada Pembahasan. Gambar dan grafik sering memberikan pengaruh lebih kuat dari pada tabel, terutama apabila menjelaskan perubahan bersinambung yang berasosiasi dengan masukan input pelakuan yang bersinambung pula. Grafik biasanya lebih mudah dicerna dari pada sekelompok bilangan, sebaliknya grafik kurang memberikan ketelitian . Apabila tujuannya hanya akan menunjukan kecenderungan dan perubahan secara kasar, lebih baik menggunakan gambar. Apabila pengujian hipotesis memerlukan analisis hasil yang teliti maka tabel yang menyajikan angka-angka pasti merupakan bentuk yang lebih tepat. Pilihan mengenai bentuk penyajian data tergantung pada pertimbangan : manakah bentuk grafik, tabel, histogram, gambar, atau 30 cara lain yang akan memberikan kesan paling kuat. Banyak majalah ilmiah yang membatasi penyampaian data berupa potret, terutama potret berwarna, karena alasan beaya cetak yang mahal. What are the results?: When you pose a testable hypothesis that can be answered experimentally, or ask a question that can be answered by collecting samples, you accumulate observations about those organisms or phenomena. Those observations are then analyzed to yield an answer to the question. In general, the answer is the key result. Presenting the Findings Bem, 2003. The general rule in reporting research findings is to give the forest first and then the trees. This is true of the results section as a whole: Begin with the central findings, and then move to more peripheral ones. It is also true within subsections: State the basic finding first, and then elaborate or qualify it as necessary. Similarly, discuss an overall measure of aggression or whatever first, and then move to its individual components. Beginning with one of your most central results, proceed as follows: 1. Remind us of the conceptual hypothesis or the research question you are asking: It will be recalled that the men are expected to be more emotionally expressive than the women. Or, We ask, first, whether the men or the women are more emotionally expressive? Note that this is a conceptual statement of the hypothesis or research question. 2. Remind us of the operations performed and behaviors measured: In particular, the men should produce more tears during the showing of the film than the women. Or, Do the men produce more tears during the showing of the film than the women? Note that this is an operational statement of the hypothesis or research question. 3. Tell us the answer immediately: The answer is yes. Or, As Table 1 reveals, men do, in fact, cry more profusely than the women. 4. Now, and only now, speak to us in numbers. Your grandmother can now skip to the next result in case she has forgotten her statistics or her reading glasses.: Thus the men in all four conditions produced an average of 1.4 cc more tears than the women, F 1,112 = 5.79, p .025. 5. Now you may elaborate or qualify the overall conclusion if necessary: Only in the father-watching condition did the men fail to produce more tears than the women, but a specific test of this effect failed to reach significance, t =1.58, p .12. 6. End each section of the results with a summary of where things stand: Thus, except for the father-watching condition, which will be discussed below, the hypothesis that men cry more than women 31 in response to visuallydepicted grief appears to receive strong support. 7. Lead into the next section of the results with a smooth transition sentence: Men may thus be more expressive than women in the domain of negative emotion, but are they more expressive in the domain of positive emotion? Table 2 shows they are not... Again, the bottom line is given immediately. As the results section proceeds, continue to summarize and update the reader s store of information frequently. The reader should not have to keep looking back to retrieve the major points of your plot line. By structuring the results section in this way, by moving from forest to trees, by announcing each result clearly in prose before wading into numbers and statistics, and by summarizing frequently, you permit a reader to decide just how much detail he or she wants to pursue at each juncture and to skip ahead to the next main point whenever that seems desirable. Figures and Tables. Unless a set of findings can be stated in one or two numbers, results that are sufficiently important to be stressed should be accompanied by a figure or table summarizing the relevant data. The basic rule of presentation is that a reader be able to grasp your major findings either by reading the text or by looking at the figures and tables. Thus, figures and tables must be titled and labeled clearly and completely, even if that means constructing a lengthy title or heading . For detailed information on figures and tables, see the Publication Manual APA, 2001. On Statistics. As you know, every comparison between groups or relationship between variables should be accompanied by its level of statistical significance. Otherwise, readers have no way of knowing whether the findings could have emerged by chance. But despite the importance of inferential statistics, they are not the heart of your narrative and should be subordinated to the descriptive results. Whenever possible, state a result first and then give its statistical significance, but in no case should you ever give the statistical test alone without interpreting it substantively. If your experiment used an analysis of variance design, your data analysis will automatically display the effects of several independent variables on a single dependent variable. If this organization is consonant with a smooth presentation of your results, lucky you. Go with it. But do not be a prisoner of ANOVA If the narrative flows more smoothly by discussing the effects of a single independent variable on several conceptually related dependent variables, tear your ANOVA results apart and reorganize them. Statistical designs 32 are all right in their place, but you and your prose are master; they are slave. After you have presented your quantitative results, it is often useful to become more informal and briefly to describe the behavior of particular individuals in your study. Again, the point is not to prove something, but to add richness to your findings.

4.7. Pembahasan