27 Pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung Hibrida C1 terbaik terjadi pada perlakuan bebas gulma sampai panen, dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan bebas gulma 45 hari, 60 hari dan 75 hari setelah tanam. Periode kritis tanaman jagung Hibrida C1 karena adanya persaingan dengan gulma terjadi pada saat tanaman berumur 36 hari.

4.4. Pendahuluan

Pendahuluan merupakan bagian penting untuk memberikan gambaran yang ringkas tetapi jelas mengenai masalah dan menghadapkan pembaca pada beberapa pustaka yang relevan. Isi pendahuluan diharapkan mampu secara mulus dan tepat menuntun pembaca menuju kepada pemikiran logis yang berakhir pada pernyataan mengenai penelitian yang dilakukan dan hasil-hasil yang diharapkan. Apabila pendahuluan telah berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, pembaca tidak akan menjadi penerima yang pasif tetapi sebaliknya akan menjadi pencari informasi yang penuh semangat dan kreatif. The first task of the article is to introduce the background and nature of the problem being investigated. The Opening Statements. Here are four rules of thumb for the opening statements: 1. Write in English prose, not disciplinary jargon. 2. Do not plunge unprepared readers into the middle of your problem or theory. Take the time and space necessary to lead them up to the formal or theoretical statement of the problem step by step. 3. Use examples to illustrate theoretical points or to introduce unfamiliar conceptual or technical terms. The more abstract the material, the more important such examples become. 4. Whenever possible, try to open with a statement about people or animals, not psychologists or their research This rule is almost always violated. Don t use journals as a model here. The Literature Review. After making the opening statements, summarize the current state of knowledge in the area of investigation. What previous research has been done on the problem? What are the pertinent theories of the phenomenon? Although you will have familiarized yourself with the literature before you designed your own study, you may need to look upadditional references if your results raise a new aspect of the problem or lead you to recast the study in a different framework. Ending the Introduction. End the introduction with a brief overview of your own study. This provides a smooth transition into the method section, which follows immediately. 28

4.5. Metode Penelitian