Background of the Study

often include only brief suggestions for planned shots, but by the date of production a screenplay may evolve into a detailed shooting script, in which action and gestures are explicitly stated. http:www.answers.comtopicscreenplay A movie script becomes one of the most important things which is really needed to be made as good as possible to make the story in it flows well. A movie script or a screenplay actually is same with the drama or play: all of them made to be performed. A movie script has the similar structure with a drama script. The difference is, the movie script is performed in form of movie which is produced by recording actual people and objects with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects, than play or drama is performed on the stage and watched live. Sometimes, a movie script is made based on the history, a social and or society phenomena. For that reason there are so many movies which are made based on the true story or real event. History and social and society phenomena can also inspire someone to create something which reflects the idea of someone, like what Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer did for their movie, Batman Begins although most of people regard David S. Goyer who wrote the movie script. They made that movie based on Bob Kane and Bill Finger who were the creators of a super hero named Batman in this thesis, Batman will be called as a crime fighter , not a super hero because Batman does not have a kind of super PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI power like the other superheroes in form of comics in 1939. Although, only Bob Kane who has the official credit of Batman and known as Batman’s creator. Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer wrote Batman Begins movie based on and inspired by the social phenomena happened in American society. It is not first movie which is made based on what the phenomena happened in society. There are several movies based on Batman character, such as in the animated series of DC universe, like in Batman: The Animated Series. Batman also appears in the silver screen movies, like Batman and Batman Returns which were directed by Tim Burton and Batman Forever and Batman and Robin were directed by Joel Schumacher. For the last movie, Batman Begins, it was directed by Christopher Nolan and the movie script was written by David S. Goyer and Christopher Nolan. http:www.comicvine.combatman1699 Although it is the 5th live-action Batman movie since 1989, the movie is neither a prequel nor a sequel to either the previous Tim Burton or Joel Schumacher movies, the previous directors of Batman movies, but rather a reboot into its own movie franchise. The film was both a critical and financial success. The character of Batman was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, though Kane often receives credit as the sole creator. The character first appeared in Detective Comics 27 1939 and later became popular enough to spawn his own books. http:www.comicvine.combatman1699 What the writer does in this thesis is his admiration about Batman as a unique super hero crime fighter because he does not have super power. He trains his human abilities, learned the martial arts, acrobatics, strength, and escape artistry which later will be his “weapons” in fighting the crimes. Batman has provided many of the core story arcs for the DC brand since his creation. He is unique for the simple reason that he has no super powers and is an ordinary human relying on intelligence, money, inventiveness and detective skills to beat his opponents. A regular member of the Justice League, though not a founder, he makes up for his lack of super powers with a library of information and weaknesses of numerous villains and his team mates should they ever go rogue. http:www.comicvine.combatman1699 From quotation above, we can conclude that Batman is more suitable to be called as a crime fighter. Batman is also the result from what has been experienced by his persona Bruce Wayne in the past and the result of his feeling about life in Gotham City. Batman becomes the symbol used by Bruce Wayne to realize what he wants to do toward Gotham City. Batman Begins movie script written by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer becomes the object of this thesis which discusses about the character of Bruce Wayne as the main character in Batman Begins movie and the use of “bat” as his crime fighter’s symbol. This thesis also discusses about representation of Batman in American life, like how Batman reflects the American Dream and Batman as the myth in American life.

B. Problem Formulation

These are the problems or questions which are formulated on this undergraduate thesis: 1. How is Batman characterized in Batman Begins? 2. What is the significance of Batman in American Society?

C. Objectives of the Study

From this thesis we can know about the intrinsic elements contained in Batman Begins , like how Batman is characterized in Batman Begins and the significance of the symbol “bat” for him. This thesis also discuses about the extrinsic element in this movie: what the significance of Batman in American Society is.

D. Definition of Terms 1. Crime fighter

Crime fighter is a commonly used to refer to the superheroes without such powers who have many other common traits of superheroes. www.answer.comtopicsuperhero Batman is a unique superhero, therefore he is called a crime fighter. A crime fighter can also be regarded as a superhero with no superhuman powers or abilities. Batman is the example. He is unique for the simple reason that he has no super powers and is an ordinary human relying on intelligence, money, inventiveness and detective skills to fight the crimes and the injustice. http:www.comicvine.combatman1699 Batman uses what he got from his physical traits, not the power of a superhuman, to fight the crime. And he supports himself with the advanced and modern technology and gadgets.

2. American Dream

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, American Dream is the U.S. ideal according to which equality of opportunity permits any American to aspire to high attainment and material success 2002: 45. We can say that American Dream is about the equality of opportunity had by every single American to gain a successful life. In his The Epic of America , James Truslow Adams states that American Dream is a dream of land in which life should be better, richer, and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement. American Dream is not a dram of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position. http:memory.loc.govammenndlpedulessons97dreamthedreamhtml On the other words, American Dream is dreams and or hopes that people in America try to pursue and seize in order to gain better life and standard of living. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A. Review of Related Studies

There are many people discuss is about Batman and the other super heroes actually we can not say that Batman is a super hero because he has no super power. A super hero is a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also: an exceptionally skillful or successful person. http:www.merriam-webster.comdictionarysuperhero For that reason, in this thesis Batman will be called as a crime fighter, not a superhero. Like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Green Lantern, Flash, Fantastic Four , Captain America, Hawkman, Power Girl, Wolverine, X- Men, Iron Man, Thor, Captain Marvel , and another super heroes and crimes fighters comics-based also discussed by people like in,, , or the other sites which discuss those objects which actually based on characters from the comics, which most of them are from Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Batman is one of the most discussed super hero characters by many people who like this character. They like to discuss him because they think Batman is a character with mysterious background and history. They think that Batman’s character is so “dark”. It can be seen from Batman’s name given by DC Comics, “The Dark Knight”. 9 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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