American Dream Definition of Terms 1. Crime fighter

Kanchibhotla wants to say that Batman is result of what is happening in his society and finds the way to fight the injustice around him. Although at the first time he is confused to choose the legal way or the illegal one to fight it. The movie itself repeatedly stresses the human side of Batman, reminding us that he has no super powers, just skill, wits and an ability to manipulate fear, which is one of the films themes. A lot of attention is also paid to the accoutrements of the legend and how the suit, the cape, the car, the cave came to be. Clint Morris has his own idea in criticizing the script in his article titled “Script Review: Batman Begins” posted in “…a good back-story is what will always keep an audience glued to the screen Most of us remember the De Niro flashback scenes from ‘Godfather Part II’ as being the guts of the flick and Goyer’s fleshed this one out better than a butcher would edible chook….the script immediately seems more interested in telling us about the man behind the cowl rather than the well-attired Caped Crusader himself.” http:www.moviehole.netnews3738.html Morris wants to tell that Batman Begins is a movie based on Batman comics in this article he says that Batman Begins is based on Frank Millers Batman: Year One . Batman Begins tells about a person witnesses the murder of his parents in front of him when he was a child. Then he turns to be a crime fighter after trained his physical abilities and supported by his richness to get the gadgets and technologies, and fights the crimes in his Gotham City. In the end of his article, Morris says that Batman Begins is going to be the best “Batman” movie ever. Clint Morris, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

B. Review of Related Theories

In analyzing Batman Begins movie script, the writer applies three theories. They are theory on character and characterization, theory of symbol, and theory of American Dream.

1. Theory on Character and Characterization

Character is an important element in the literary work. It has a big role to make a literary work alive and interesting. Character in fiction is indeed imaginary person. However, Rohrberger states that characters must be credible; that is, readers must accept them as believable person 1971: 20. Imaginary or fictional characters have physical appearance as real human being, have feeling, carry out actions, and experience problems, conflicts, and even development. Thereby, readers can accept them as believable people. In his A Glossary of Literary Terms , Abrams defines character as a person in dramatic or narrative work endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, i.e., the dialogue, and what they do, i.e., the action. The grounds in a character’s temperament and moral nature for his speech and actions constitute his motivation 1981: 20. Stanton has his own idea about making his characters understandable. First is by giving his character a name will be helpful to the readers to understand the character, because sometimes, in some works, the sound of the name fits the character. Second, it is usually more important, is an explicit description and comment of the author to the character. This personal description will help the author and the reader visualize the person and understand his character. Next way PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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