Approach of the Study Method of the Study

In the analysis of the first problem formulation, the writer applies M. J. Murphy’s theory of Character and Characterization. The writer applies five of nine ways to analyze a character: characters as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, and thought. The character as a crime fighter named Batman and the character as a billionaire named Bruce Wayne are found in one body. But those two characters cannot appear in the same time. Bruce Wayne is the real personality of that person and Batman is the other personality who becomes a cover for his real personality. We can conclude that Bruce Wayne is regarded as the first personality than Batman is the second. That crime fighter is the translation of the real personality which chooses Batman as his symbol. When that character is being Batman, he cannot show Bruce Wayne’s character and vice versa. Bruce tries to do so although he wants to tell the persons he trusts like Rachel Dodson. WAYNE : Rachel, all that... thats not me, inside Im... different. Im- RACHEL : The same great little kid you used to be? Bruce, deep down, your friends out there are great, too. Its not who you are underneath...[pokes his chest] But what you do that defines you. [Rachel moves past him. Wayne stands there, eyes burning]. Goyer, 2004: scene 72 As a person who has double life, Bruce also has some kind of double personalities. Once Bruce Wayne is as a billionaire and the other side Batman is as a vigilante or crime fighter. As Bruce Wayne, he has to be a billionaire who likes to have some funs. WAYNE: What does someone like me do? ALFRED: [shrugs] Drive sports cars, date movie stars...Buy things that arent for sale. [Wayne looks at Alfred. Nods. DOWNS the water, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI stands straight, feet together- FALLS FORWARD to the floor- into his dizzyingly fast push-ups. Alfred watches. Concerned ]. ALFRED CONTD: Who knows, Master Wayne- if you start pretending to have fun, you might even have a little by accident. Goyer, 2004: scene 66 These are done in order to cover the injuries which Bruce may get from his action as crime fighter. So, the people around him will not have a question about why Bruce often gets some injuries. As the main character, Bruce Wayne does not have a dream becoming a crime fighter in his city. When he is a child, Bruce loses his parents, murdered in a robbery done by a criminal named Joe Chill. Bruce watches the murder happened in front of his eyes. This incident makes him so sad. When he is grown up, Bruce tries to kill the criminal who kills his parents, Joe Chill as the revenge for his parents’ death. Bruce tries to kill him after the hearing. Chill notices Waynes cold eyes. Has to look away. Bruce RISES, walks out, all eyes on him. Including Rachels. EXT. PARKING LOT, COURTHOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER Bruce MOVES to Rachels car. Picks up his GUN, stuffs it up the sleeve of his overcoat. Waits . Goyer, 2004: scene 23 But what Bruce plans to kill Joe cannot be done because he is killed by a woman sent by Carmine Falcone, a mafia in Gotham City. Bruce’s initiative to kill his parents’ murderer is based on his will to avenge his parents’ death. But when he fails to do that, Bruce leaves Gotham City to find a way to fight the injustice in his city. He does it after Rachel shows him what happens to the city because of Falcone floods Gotham City with crimes and drugs which will create new criminals every time. Rachel gestures at the filthy streets. Down dark alleys-shadowy figures conduct business . RACHEL CONTD : This city is rotting. Chill is not the cause, hes the effect. Corruption is killing Gotham and Chill being dead doesnt help that-it makes it worse because Falcone walks. He carries on flooding our city with crime and drugs... creating new Joe Chills... Falcone may not have killed your parents, Bruce, but hes destroying everything they stood for... Goyer, 2004: scene 25 There, Bruce realizes that Gotham City needs helps. Bruces will to fight the crimes at first is shown when he meets Falcone at basement club where he is used to be and beats some bouncers who guard him. BOUNCER: Night, Mr.Falcone. The three men move towards a waiting limo- WHAM- one Thug takes a kick to the head, goes down- Bruce steps from the shadows- the Second Thug goes for his gun-Bruce GRABS his arm- CHOPS his throat- JUDO FLIPS the thug...Bruce turns to Falcone who looks at him, curious. Goyer, 2004: scene 27 FALCONE CONTD: You shoulda just sent me a thank-you note... [Bruce looks up at Falcone. Spits blood]. BRUCE: I didnt come here to thank-you. I came to show you that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of you. Goyer, 2004: scene 27 That means that Bruce is not afraid with Falcone’s power. He is a mafia in Gotham City. His will to meet Falcone and beats his guards can symbolize his will to fight the crimes. And we can conclude that Bruce has courage to fight the crimes, although he is not success to do it in that time. Then, this makes Bruce leaving Gotham City. He travels to some places. Later, Bruce meets Ducard. He trains Bruce to be a warrior of The League of Shadow. Bruce is asked about his reason to leave Gotham City. And what purpose he wants to find.

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