Review on the Life of American Society in 1920s and 1930s

the late 1930s, the “invisible scar” of The Great Depression in some individual Americans still resists.

D. Theoretical Framework

In analyzing the Batman Begins movie script, the writer uses some theories. They are divided into two parts. One, they are the theories to reveal the elements inside the story. They are theory of Character and Characterization and theory of Symbolism. The other is the theory to reveal the extrinsic elements of the story. It is theory of American Dream. The first theory is Theory on Character and Characterization. This theory is used to reveal the character of Bruce Wayne, as Batman’s alter ego, as the major character on Batman Begins. It is also needed to know about Batman’s character. The second one is Theory of Symbolism. This theory is used to reveal the symbolism of the bat as symbol of a crime fighter who fights the crimes in Gotham City. It is also used to know why Bruce Wayne uses the symbol as a crime fighter. Both theory of Character and Characterization and theory of Symbolism are used by the writer to answer the first question which is stated in problem formulation. The third theory which is used is Theory of American Dream. This theory is needed to reveal the significance and symbolism of Batman in American society. It is to find out whether Batman is the representation of the American Dream . It is to answer the second problem formulation. The review of review of American Society in 1920s and 1930s is for the comparison for what happened in those eras with what happens in Batman Begins. It is also useful to see the life in American society in 1920s and 1930s through Batman Bruce Wayne. All of them are needed to reveal what becomes the purpose of this thesis: studying the socio-historical contained in Batman Begins. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A. Object of the Study

Batman Begins is the 5 th movie based on Batman’s character created by Bob Kane. Batman is a DC Comics fictional character and superhero who first appeared in Detective Comics 27 in May 1939. He has become one of the worlds most recognized superheroes, along with Superman and Spiderman. What becomes the object of the study in this thesis is Batman Begins movie script. The script itself tells about a man named Bruce Wayne who witnesses the murder of his parents in front of him in a robbery. Then, trained himself, Bruce turns to a crime fighter named Batman. He makes use of intellect, detective skills, technology, and physical prowess in his war on crime. The script was written by co-writer Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer, although there are many people only regard Goyer as the writer of the script. This script was taken from Batman Begins is directed by Christopher Nolan and it was released in 2005 by Warner Brothers Pictures. Christian Bale casts as Bruce Wayne Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. Batman Begins won some awards in some movie festivals, like in 2005 Hollywood Film Festival. Batman Begins won Sound of the Year from David Evans. In 2006 Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy Horror Films, USA, it won some awards for some categories, like Christian Bale for Best Actor. 24 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer won for Best Writing, and as Best Fantasy Film. In 2006 MTV Movie Awards, Christian Bale won Best Hero. http:imdb.comtitlett0372784awards Batman Begins tells about Bruce Wayne who turns into a crime fighter named Batman who fights the crimes in his city, Gotham. Bruce Wayne has a trauma with bats. It is caused when he was a child. He fell to the deep hole with so many of bats inside it. Bruce felt so scared when those bats were flying outside the hole and crossing him. His trauma is haunting him until he learns to face and conquer it with help from Ducard and Ra’s Al Ghul. After he has learned and experienced so many things, trained his physical abilities, learned the martial arts, and supported by technologies and gadgets, Bruce Wayne decides to get back to his city, Gotham, and becomes a crime fighter and uses the bat as his symbol. His symbol is known as Batman. Batman is Bruce Wayne’s alter ego. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train himself to the peak of physical and intellectual perfection, don a costume, and fight crime. Although it is the 5th live-action Batman movie since 1989, the movie is neither a prequel nor a sequel to either the previous Tim Burton or Joel Schumacher movies, but rather a reboot into its own movie franchise. The film was both a critical and financial success.

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