Object of the Study

with some books and articles to provide the supporting evidences as the secondary data sources. It also uses the sources from the articles on internet. There were some steps used by the writer in analyzing the object of the study. First step was to read the object of the study the movie script. It was done in order to understand the story. The movie script was regarded as the primary data. Second was, to collect the data related to the movie script, including the theories that would be used. Theory of character and characteristic is used to analyze Batman’s character and his characteristic in the movie script. The writer analyzes about what Batman does, says, and thinks. He also does the same to Bruce Wayne because they are the same person. Theory of symbolism is used to know the meaning of symbol of bat used by Batman Bruce Wayne as a crime fighter. The writer analyzes the symbol which is used to fight the crimes and the symbol to hide his identity. Then the theory of American Dream is used to analyze the representation of Batman in America and his representation for the Americans. The writer analyzes Batman Bruce Wayne’s life to find the dream and hopes of Americans from him. Next step was to find the appropriate approach to analyze the script. After that, the writer answered the problems formulations by applying the theories that were gained in the previous steps. The fifth step, the last one, was to take the conclusion from analyzing the object of the study with previous steps.


In this chapter the writer will discuss the Batman Begins movie script to answer the problems or questions stated in problem formulation. At first, the writer will discuss the characteristics of Batman in order to answer the first question. Including his reason why Bruce uses symbol in fighting the crimes and why he uses bats as a crime fighter or vigilante. Then, the writer will discuss the significance of Batman in American society.

A. The Characteristics of Batman

Batman is a unique character. It is like that he has a double life. One side he is a vigilante or crime fighter who fights the crimes in Gotham City and on the other side he is a normal or ordinary person who has his own social life as a billionaire named Bruce Wayne. Both of them cannot be separated into two persons because actually they are the same person. What we should know is who the real character inside that body is. Actually, they are one person who is like to have two personalities which can support each other. It is called an alter ego. According to Dictionary of Behavioral Science, alter ego or Alteregoism is a very intimate friend that is considered by the individual as a second or other self. Alteregoism is as close feeling about another person in the same situation as oneself Wolman, 1973. 28 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the analysis of the first problem formulation, the writer applies M. J. Murphy’s theory of Character and Characterization. The writer applies five of nine ways to analyze a character: characters as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, and thought. The character as a crime fighter named Batman and the character as a billionaire named Bruce Wayne are found in one body. But those two characters cannot appear in the same time. Bruce Wayne is the real personality of that person and Batman is the other personality who becomes a cover for his real personality. We can conclude that Bruce Wayne is regarded as the first personality than Batman is the second. That crime fighter is the translation of the real personality which chooses Batman as his symbol. When that character is being Batman, he cannot show Bruce Wayne’s character and vice versa. Bruce tries to do so although he wants to tell the persons he trusts like Rachel Dodson. WAYNE : Rachel, all that... thats not me, inside Im... different. Im- RACHEL : The same great little kid you used to be? Bruce, deep down, your friends out there are great, too. Its not who you are underneath...[pokes his chest] But what you do that defines you. [Rachel moves past him. Wayne stands there, eyes burning]. Goyer, 2004: scene 72 As a person who has double life, Bruce also has some kind of double personalities. Once Bruce Wayne is as a billionaire and the other side Batman is as a vigilante or crime fighter. As Bruce Wayne, he has to be a billionaire who likes to have some funs. WAYNE: What does someone like me do? ALFRED: [shrugs] Drive sports cars, date movie stars...Buy things that arent for sale. [Wayne looks at Alfred. Nods. DOWNS the water, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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