Determining the Setting of The Research


1. Determining the Setting of The Research

The objective of this research was to identify the use of gambits in English debate activities. The writer chose debate because debate is one of communicative activities in language teaching which required the production of speech. In order to obtain the data about debate, the writer looked for some information about debate events in Yogyakarta. The writer obtained an information from her friend that there was a debate event in Yogyakarta namely Java Overland Varsities English Debate JOVED. It was a national debate event in which the participants were from university students around Java Island. The participants of this event were university students who were around in their second and fourth semester. These reasons also became the writer ’s consideration for collecting the data. By having university students as the participants, the occurrence of the data needed by the writer was clearly possible because the speech productivity was well- structured even though they were in under-pressure situation. In the debate event, the writer recorded four debate sessions. However, she only chose two of them which were the debate between Gadjah Mada University UGM and Brawijaya University UNIBRAW and debate between Padjadjaran University UNPAD and State University of Surabaya UNESA to be analyzed. It was because the participants were EFL learners. It was related to the focus of this study which was focus more on the EFL context. Moreover, the debaters used gambits frequently in their speeches so that the purpose of conducting research in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 this topic was completed. Fortunately, the topics of the debate were merely recent news in this time such as cyber bullying in social media and child abuse witnesses. So, these motions also helped the writer to understand the context of the speeches delivered by the debaters.

2. Determining Research Instruments