Determining the actions to solve the problems

51 The next stage was the paragraph shrinking stage. In this stage, each students read one paragraph, stopped after the paragraph, and told the main idea of the paragraph with 10 minutes time given for this stage. The last one is the prediction relay stage. In this stage, students were asked to reasonably predict what happened in the next paragraph, red at least half passage, checked their prediction accurately and grasped the important information by note taking in order to solve the question provided below the text. The students took turns in this activity, started by the higher reader to be a model for the lower reader. In this stage, I also monitored the students if any of them were confused about the text or the process of this stage. When they had finished the prediction relay stage, I asked some volunteers to write the main ideas of some paragraphs and the answers on the whiteboard. There were only two volunteers who wrote the main idea and three students who have the courage to share their findings and answers related to the text. Then, I discussed the main ideas of the paragraphs in the text and the answers of the questions together with the students. It was the first time for them to have such activities and it made the students confuse to speak up. It referred from the field note and interview with the students. 52

b. 2

nd Meeting The second meeting was conducted on Friday, November 22 nd , 2013. The PALS technique was still about comprehending the descriptive text, especially in the tutor and tutee role-play stage and the prediction relay stage. Those stages covered the speed of comprehending the text. First, I distributed descriptive texts entitled “ My School ” and “ The Giraffe ” to the students. After distributing the text, I asked the students whether they still In practice, some students could not do the tutor and tutee role-play correctly, yet they did not ask the researcher. Instead of stepping forward in to the front of the class to share the answers, most of the students rather keep it for themselves. Field Notes 4, November 20 th , 2013 R : Menurut kalian, penggunaan teknik PALS ini membantu kalian pada saat reading tidak? In your opinion, could the PALS technique help you in reading? S1 : Iya mas, membantu banget. Aku sekarang bisa ngerjain soal lebih cepat dari biasanya. Cuma masalahnya, kadang ada kata-kata yang aku ga mudeng. Yes, of course, sir. It helped me very much in reading. I could answers the questions quicker than before. However, there were some words that I did not know the meaning. S2 : Membantu mas. Kan kita pas diskusi bisa nyatet apa yang penting. Jadi nanti kalo kita mau cari jawabannya kita udah tau posisinya ada dimana. Yes, it could. When we were doing our discussion, we can do some note taking about important information. So, when we tried to find the answers, we already knew the locations of the answers in the text. R : Oh gitu ya. Berarti kalian udah bisa lancar pake teknik ini? Really? So you guys are already know how to use this technique smoothly, right? S4 : Ya ga gitu juga mas, kalo yang suruh njawab di depan kelas itu agak gimana gitu. Well, not really actually. If you ask us to answer the questions in front of the class, it was a bit hard. S1 : Iya mas, aku juga ga pede kalo njawab di depan kelas, takut salah mas. Hahaha That’s right. I also feel not really confident, I’m afraid of making mistake, hahaha Interview transcript 4, Wednesday, November 20 th , 2013