Payment System Operations Expenses

BANK INDONESIA Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31, 2008 44

36. General and Other Expenses

General and Other Expenses for the year 2008 and 2007 consisted of: 2008 2007 IDR million IDR million Human Resources 3,235,905 2,726,172 Logistics and Security Management 740,973 735,298 Information Technology System 128,168 80,109 Others: - Internal Finance 60,180 13,378 - Internal Control 5,026 6,252 - Legislature and Law 44,025 14,388 - Administration, Archive and Expedition 19,035 17,254 Withdrawal from accounts that have been inactive for more than 2 years and have been recognized as income 33,471 Addition of Allowance for Bad Debts 767,152 5,000,464 3,626,322 According to Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended by Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2004, salary, other income and facilities of the Governor, Senior Deputy Governor and Deputy Governor shall be prescribed by the Board of Governors. The amount of such salary and other income of the Governor shall be determined at the maximum of 2 two times the salary and other income of an employee of the highest rank in Bank Indonesia. Included in the General and Other expenses were salaries, incentives, holiday bonus tunjangan hari raya, and compensation on annual leaves uang penggantian cuti tahunan for the Board of Governors amounted to IDR15,872 million and IDR17,143 million for the year 2008 and 2007, respectively. The Board of Governors also receives other income in the form of grand leaves cuti besar, post retirement benefits, benefit payable to members of the Board of Governors due to expiration of terms of office, long service awards, benefit payable upon termination at normal retirement age, benefit payable upon termination due to the death of employee or hisher spouse or hisher children bantuan uang duka, and other facilities inluding housing, transportation, medicalhealth, telecommunication, insurance, credit card and memberships. Included in the Organization and Human Resource Management expenses were employee benefit expenses amounted to IDR830,123 million for the year 2008 see Notes C.24 – Other Liabilities. BANK INDONESIA Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31, 2008 45

37. Capital Ratio

The ratio of Capital Capital, General Reserves, and Current Year Surplus to Monetary Liabilities as at December 31, 2008 was 10.38. The Capital and Monetary Liabilities used in the Capital Ratio calculation at December 31, 2008 amounted to IDR72,798,810 million and IDR701,524,534 million, respectively. The Capital, Monetary Liabilities, and Capital Ratio as at December 31, 2008 is as follows: IDR million a. Capital - Capital 7,610,885 - General Reserves 49,663,865 - 90 of Current Year Surplus 15,524,060 Total 72,798,810 b. Monetary Liabilities - Currency in Circulation 264,399,922 - Government Demand Deposits 97,228,550 - Bank Demand Deposits 85,197,077 - International Financial Institutions Demand Deposits not including IMF Demand Deposit, World Bank Demand Deposit, and ADB Demand Deposit 652,491 - Bank Indonesia Certificates 253,840,471 - Loans from Government 206,023 Total 701,524,534 c. Capital Ratio Capital + General Reserves + 90 of Current Year Surplus Monetary Liabilities = 10.38