Non-syndicated Loans from Foreign Banks

BANK INDONESIA Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31, 2008 40

b. Employee Benefits

Bank Indonesia provides post and long-term employment benefit program. The actuarial calculation on post and long-term employment benefit program was performed by an independent actuary for the position of December 31, 2008 with a discount rate of 12. Post employment programs consists of defined benefit pension plan managed by DAPENBI, Old Age Benefit Program Tunjangan Hari Tua - BKP and Baperum managed by YKKBI, other post employment benefit programs without funding, which consists of Pre-Retirement Transition Paid Leave Uang Masa Persiapan Pensiun - MPP and benefit payable upon termination at normal retirement age and other long-term benefits such as Grand Leaves and Long Service Awards. Employee benefits assets, liabilities and expenses movement for the period of January 1 up to December 31, 2008 are as follows: Other Post Other Pension Benefits THT Employment Benefits Long-term Benefits Tax Total IDR million IDR million IDR million IDR million IDR million IDR million 1 2 3 4 5 6 AssetLiability Balance as at Dec 31, 2007 231,401 647,484 173,717 797,484 122,946 1,973,032 Employee Benefits Expense 175,927 363,425 120,122 132,228 38,421 830,123 BI Contribution 62,051 304,101 0 366,152 Benefit Payment 25,363 125,597 39,366 190,326 AssetLiability Balance as at Dec 31, 2008 345,277 706,808 268,476 804,115 122,001 2,246,677 See Notes C.36 – General and Other Expenses Total Employee Benefits liabilities for pension benefits, Old Age Benefit Program THT, Other Post Employment Benefits, Other Long-Term Benefits and Tax as at December 31, 2008 amounted to IDR2,246,677 million. As at December 31, 2008, DAPENBI’s funding was derived from employees’ and Bank Indonesia’s contribution amounted to 7 and 13 respectively, based on basic pension salary. As at December 31, 2008, YKKBI funding was derived from Old Age Benefit Program THT from Bank Indonesia amounted to 20 of basic salary with consideration to the city index. Starting September 2008, Bank Indonesia has discontinued additional THT contributions to YKKBI as stated in Governor of Bank Indonesia Decree Number 1041KEP.GBIINTERN2008. Additional THT contributions up to October 2008 amounted to IDR193,272 million as stated in Governor of Bank Indonesia Decree Number 614KEP.GBIINTERN2004 dated June 14, 2004.