BANK INDONESIA SURPLUS DEFICIT STATEMENT For the period of January 1 to December 31, 2008 and January 1 to December 31, 2007 In Millions of Rupiah See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 5 Notes January 1 to December 31, 2008 January 1 to December 31, 2007 A. REVENUES 1. Monetary Operations 44,731,394 28,387,328 1.1 Foreign Reserve Management C.28 40,203,455 24,213,515 1.2 Money Market Activities 249,644 78,047 1.3 Credit and Financing C.29 4,278,295 4,095,766 2. Payment System Services C.30 168,974 153,123 3. Banking Services 180,546 145,864 4. Others C.31 250,236 350,158 TOTAL REVENUES 45,331,150 29,036,473 B. EXPENSES 1. Monetary Operations 21,272,917 25,032,584 1.1 Open Market Operations C.32 20,837,295 24,463,229 1.2 Foreign Reserve Management C.33 36,313 25,624 1.3 Foreign Loan Management C.34 260,808 368,070 1.4 Others 138,501 175,661 2. Payment System Operations C.35 1,650,612 1,646,299 2.1 Currency Circulation 1,585,365 1,568,871 2.2 Payment System Sponsoring 65,247 77,428 3. Banking Regulations and Supervisions 158,202 153,288 4. General and Others 5,000,464 3,626,322 4.1 Human Resources and Logistics C.36 4,105,046 3,541,579 4.2 Others 895,418 84,743 TOTAL EXPENSES 28,082,195 30,458,493 SURPLUS DEFICIT 17,248,955 1,422,020 BANK INDONESIA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITIES AND CAPITAL RATIO For the period of January 1 to December 31, 2008 In Millions of Rupiah See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 6 December 31, 2007 Addition Deduction December 31, 2008


1. Capital 7,610,885 7,610,885 2. General Reserves 50,767,097 318,788 1,422,020 49,663,865 3. Statutory Reserves 13,683,337 318,788 13,364,549 4. Unrealized Gains Losses 40,990,336 20,966,791 61,957,127 5. Current Year Surplus Deficit 1,422,020 17,248,955 1,422,020 17,248,955 Total 111,629,635 38,534,534 318,788 149,845,381


= 701,524,534


SURPLUS Note C.37 =

10.38 IV.

PAYMENT OF SURPLUS TO GOVERNMENT = 2,646,356 V. CAPITAL RATIO AFTER DEDUCTION OF GOVERNMENT’S SHARE OF BI’S SURPLUS = 10.00 BANK INDONESIA CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period of January 1 to December 31, 2008 In Millions of Rupiah See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 7 January 1 to December 31, 2008


1.1 Surplus 17,248,955 1.2 Increase in Gold 3,738,273 1.3 Increase in Foreign Currencies 2,211 1.4 Increase in Special Drawing Rights 280,370 1.5 Increase in Demand Deposits 9,495,865 1.6 Decrease in Time Deposits 35,651,751 1.7 Decrease in Marketable Securities 93,351,915 1.8 Increase in Government Bonds 3,709,279 1.9 Increase in Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreements 2,645,926 1.10 Decrease in Claims: 2,473,282 1.10.1 Decrease in Claims on Government 439,108 1.10.2 Decrease in Claims on Banks 339,726 1.10.3 Decrease in Claims on Others 1,694,448 1.11 Increase in Other Assets 1,480,779 1.12 Adjustments: 1,046,339 1.12.1 Fixed Asset Depreciation 197,725 1.12.2 Decrease in Allowance for Bad Debts 1,235,861 1.12.3 Intangible Asset Amortization 8,203 1.13 Increase in Currencies in Circulation 43,605,143 1.14 Decrease in Demand Deposits: 6,618,871 1.14.1 Increase in Government Demand Deposits 75,310,190 1.14.2 Decrease in Bank Demand Deposits 83,415,323 1.14.3 Increase in Other Demand Deposits 1,486,262 1.15 Decrease in Bank Indonesia Certificates 69,227,352 1.16 Increase in Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates 225,800 1.17 Increase in Bank Indonesia Deposit Facilities 26,748,119 1.18 Increase in Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreements 1.19 Decrease in Other Liabilities 142,440,386 Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 21,380,686