Capital General and Statutory Reserves

BANK INDONESIA Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31, 2008 42 December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007 IDR million IDR million - Differences in foreign exchange rate 23,121,427 18,009,228 - Revaluation of gold price 21,510,222 17,649,873 - Revaluation of marketable securities in foreign currency 18,304,713 5,292,031 - Revaluation of marketable securities in Rupiah 979,235 39,204 61,957,127 40,990,336

28. Revenues from Foreign Reserve Management

Revenues from foreign reserve management for the year 2008 and 2007 consisted of: 2008 2007 IDR million IDR million - Interest in foreign exchange sector 20,681,135 18,281,541 - Provision in foreign exchange sector 1,863 1,307 - Other foreign exchange revenues 19,520,457 5,930,667 40,203,455 24,213,515 Included in other foreign exchange revenues were the revenues from foreign exchange differences amounted to IDR14,751,748 million for the year 2008, and IDR3,430,021 million for the year 2007.

29. Revenues from Credit and Financing

Revenues from credit and financing amounted to IDR4,278,295 million for the year 2008 and IDR4,095,766 million for the year 2007. Included in that amount are accrual revenues from Government Bonds’ interest, amounted to IDR3,928,289 million for the year 2008 and IDR3,714,942 million for the year 2007.

30. Revenues from Payment System Services

Revenues from payment system services for the year 2008 amounted to IDR168,974 million, consisted of clearing service fee amounted to IDR91,949 million and account administration fee amounted to IDR77,025 million.

31. Other Revenues

Other revenues consisted of: 2008 2007 IDR million IDR million - Decrease of Allowance for Bad Debts 53,384 - Other Revenues 250,236 296,774 250,236 350,158 BANK INDONESIA Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31, 2008 43

32. Open Market Operations Expenses

Open Market Operations Expenses consists of: 2008 2007 IDR million IDR million - Research for Base Money 5,337 8,510 - Policy Development, Endorsement and Execution for Base Money 26 2,213 - Operational Execution for Base Money 8,533 5,225 - Policy Execution for Base Money 20,823,399 24,447,281 20,837,295 24,463,229 Open market operations expenses is Bank Indonesia’s largest expense, amounted to IDR20,837,295 million 74.20 of total expenses in 2008 and amounted to IDR24,463,229 million 80.32 of total expenses in 2007. Included in Policy Execution Expenses are SBI and FASBI Discount amounted to IDR19,931,010 million, SWBI Bonus expenses amounted to IDR60,044 million, SBIS Bonus expenses amounted to IDR87,330 million, compensation for bank demand deposits amounted to IDR744,950 million, and other activities supporting policy execution amounted to IDR65 million.

33. Foreign Reserves Management Expenses

Foreign reserves management expenses consisted of: 2008 2007 IDR million IDR million - Research for Foreign Reserves Management 112 236 - Policy Development, Endorsement and Execution for Foreign Reserves Management 5,115 4,887 - Operational Execution for Foreign Reserves Management 31,086 20,501 36,313 25,624

34. Foreign Loan Management Expenses

Foreign loan management expenses for the year 2008 and 2007 were IDR260,808 million and IDR368,070 million respectively.

35. Payment System Operations Expenses

Included in the payment system services expenses amounted to IDR1,650,612 million for the year 2008 and IDR1,646,299 million for the year 2007, is currency procurement expenses and currency printing expenses amounted to IDR485,909 million and IDR1,035,460 million. Currency printing expenses are based on temporary Currency Printing Price Harga Cetak Uang – HCU.