Steps of Analysis Step of Work

the main character and inner conflict and the factors that influence the inner conflict experienced by the main character.

3.3. Data Collection

Data collecting method is steps applied by the researcher to get the data that are needed in particular research Arikunto, 2006: 160. The data collecting method in this study is conducted by using read note and literature methods. The methods are performed as follows: 1. Methods read note is the method used to collect the data by reading the script over and over again and then recorded to obtain accurate data. 2. The literature method is the method used to collect the data by finding an appropriate reference related to the problem of study.

3.4. Data Analysis

3.4.1. Steps of Analysis

The analysis is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. According to Miles and Huberman 1992: 16, Qualitative descriptive method consists of a flow of activities that occur simultaneously and coherence, which include: data reduction activities grouping, presentation of data, drawing conclusions, and verification. Here below the steps of analysis conducted by the writer: 1. Data Reduction Data reduction refers to the grouping of data. Grouping the data starts from sorting out the data related to mental disorders experienced by the main character of the story, for example: the presence of hallucinations or delusions experienced by the main character. 2. Presentation of Data Presentation of data is presenting the data that have been gathered. The presentation of data is related with several examples of events that occur as a result of mental disorders experienced by John Nash 3. Drawing Conclusion Conclusion is drawn by some abnormal behaviors experienced by the main character and relate it with the theory of personality psychology according to what have been explained by related experts. 4. Verification After drawing conclusion, the last step is verivication. It refers to check the precision of the primary data, which is gathered based on the results of reading the script.

3.4.2. Step of Work

The step of work conducted in this thesis are: 1. Preparation Phase • Conduct literature • Develop a research design 2. Phase Analysis of Data • Reading the script A Beautiful Mind movie by Akiva Goldsmann • Identifying the abnormal behaviors of the lead character, John Nash • Finding the causes of mental disorders, schizophrenia • Selecting and classifying mental disorders of the main character • Finding the solution to recover the mental disorder experienced by John Nash 3. Describing data 4. Summarizing 5. Reporting Stage • Prepare interim report • Revise the interim manuscript 6. A final report Data Collection Reading “A Beautiful Mind” movie script Display Data Data Reduction Conclusion CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In this chapter the writer will discuss the abnormal behavior experienced by the main character, John Nash, and analyze the causes and the treatment’s process of the main character who got mental disorder, schizophrenia, in the script “A Beautiful Mind” movie. In the analysis phase, the discussion will be arranged into several sections in which each section will be attached quotations in accordance to the theory as well as the elaboration of these quotations.

4.1 Intrinsic Elements