Physical Abuse Psychological Abuse

16 can be used in understanding and analyzing Anson’s character in Dean Koontz’s The Husband.

3. Kinds of Abuses

According to Pritchard Colin, there are three kinds of abuses. Those are “physical, emotional or psychological, and sexual abuse” 11. In child abuse cases, there are two main factors those are the abuse and abuser, and the impact of child abuse. Theory of abuse is needed to describe the kinds of abuses and the abuser and the influence of abuse. This theory is needed to identify and categorize the kinds of abuse which happen to Anson.

a. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the most obvious abuse, which can be detected and observed. Physical abuse often leaves scar, therefore it is easier to be recorded. According to Pritchard Colin there are many forms of physical abuse, such as “frequent or severe hitting, slapping, beating, shaking, punching, kicking” 12 Crosson and Tower states, “the cause of physical abuse can be categorized in three. Those are the psychodynamic or character-trait models, the interactional models, and the environmental sociological culturally based models” 97. First is the psychodynamic or character-trait models, both of them attribute the abuse to characteristics of the abusive parents. Second is the interactional models. It considers how the interactions between the victim and the abuser or the dynamics within the family gives rise to an abusive situation. The third is the environmental 17 sociological culturally based models, which focus on the part that the milieu, and stressors within the milieu, plays in the abuse. Physical abuse is the easiest abuse to be observed and to be taken action to against, because it usually leaves scars. It causes damages and injures the body. Sometimes in some cases of abuse, discipline is often used as the reason to give punishment. The frequent punishment such as hitting, kicking, or slapping can be categorized as physical abuse because the aim is not to make the children discipline but more to make the children trauma. The punishment which related to body or a treatment which limits the space to move and develop his body can be categorized as physical abuse. The traumatic experience happens to the victim leaves indelible memory. Therefore, in some cases physical abuse has related to the psychological abuse.

b. Psychological Abuse

Garbino et al. as cited in Pritchard Colin states, “the presence of one of these types of emotional abuse is sufficient to cause long-term psychological harm if it is profound and repeated in nature” 12. Psychological abuse is difficult to be observed because it is related to the emotion inside. It cannot be seen physically. However, sometimes it relates to physical abuse too, if the physical abuse gives long traumatic to the victim. There are some treatments which can be categorized as psychological abuse “Threats to injure or kill; constant sneeringsarcasm or belittling; throwing 18 away or destroying toys; forbidden to speak or play; scapegoating; favoritism to siblings; locked in room or confined space” 12 Crosson states, “Emotional or psychological maltreatment underlies all types or neglect” 216. Psychological abuse is more difficult to observe than physical or sexual abuse. Therefore, it is unnoticed or untreated. The effect of emotional abuse can be detected if the victim shares or if the victim demonstrates behavior problems such as anger, depression or maladjustment. Garbarino as cited in Cynthia Crosson and Tower states that today psychological is not an inaccessible event, but rather a pattern of physically destructive behavior that may include rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, ignoring, and corrupting 216 First is rejecting. When the adult refuses to acknowledge the child’s worth or the legitimacy of the child’s need is the kind of rejecting. Second is isolating. Isolating is one of the patterns of physical destructive, which can cause psychological abuse. It happens when the adult isolates the child from normal social experiences, prevents the child from forming friendships and makes the child believes that he or she is alone in the world. Third is terrorizing. It happens when the adult verbally assaults the child, creates a climate of fear, bullies and frightens the child. It makes the child believes that the world is hostile and unsafe. It can make the children afraid and even traumatic. Fourth is ignoring. This is the physical behavior which can make the child feels desperate because of parents’ carelessness. It can happen when the adult blocks the child from having prompt, stifling emotional growth and intellectual development. The last is corrupting. The adult encourages the child to 19 connect in destructive and antisocial behavior, reinforces the deviance and makes the child weak for normal social experience. Psychologically, this abuse implies rejection or in some manners impedes the development of a child’s positive self-concept. There are some factors which can be the roots of psychological maltreatment. Psychological abuse is difficult to prove or document and thus may go unnoticed because there are many factors, which can influence this abuse. The children who are abused in their family especially by their parents or adult usually give some reactions and effects especially in their behavior and personality. Children who are abused usually feel that they are isolated, inadequate, unwanted, moreover unloved and face maladjustment. Crosson Cynthia and Tower state “The children respond to such messages in one of two ways: they fight back, becoming hostile, aggressive, and exhibit behavior problems, or they run their anger inward, becoming self-destructive, depressed, withdrawn, or suicidal” 219. This study focuses on the influence of child abuse on Anson’s experience, which influences his emotion and behavior. Psychological abuse concerns an abuse, which is characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behavior. It is psychologically harmful. O’Hagan cited in Pritchard defines, Psychological abuse as the sustained, repetitive, inappropriate behavior which damages, or substantially reduces, the creative and developmental potential of crucially important mental faculties and mental process of a child; these include intelligence, memory, recognition, perception, attention and moral development 15. 20 Psychological abuse is one of abuses which happens to Anson. His parents do such kinds repetitive and inappropriate behavior which limit his imagination and influence personality development.

c. Sexual Abuse