Setting Method of the Study

Besides checklist, the writer also used a simple table of grammatical analysis. This table was used to answer problem number three about deviant forms of sentences produced by tour guides in Prambanan Temple. That is why only deviant sentences were analyzed and listed in this checklist. There were three tables of categorization of incorrect use of sentences. They were table of categorization of incorrect use of simple sentences, table of incorrect use of compound sentences, and table of incorrect use of complex sentences. An example of each table could be seen below. Table 2. Example of Table of Categorization of Incorrect Use of Simple Sentences Reference Categorization of Incorrect Use of Simple Sentences Table 3. Example of Table of Categorization of Incorrect Use of Compound Sentences Reference Categorization of Incorrect Use of Compound Sentences Table 4. Example of Table of Categorization of Incorrect Use of Complex Sentences Reference Categorization of Incorrect Use of Complex Sentences The reference column was for the numbers of line or lines in which certain sentences analyzed could be found. The next column was for the analysis of categorization of incorrect use of centain sentences. In this table, it would be possible for a sentence to be categorized in more than one deviation. The categorization of deviant sentences will be based on the theories in Chapter II.

5. The Data Gathering

This study was a descriptive and qualitative study. The qualitative data was sentences produced by tour guides of Prambanan Temple. Those data functioned as the primary data means “the original documents or remains, the first witnesses to a fact” Good, 1935: 253. Data was taken through tape recording in which the respondents were asked to explain the tourism objects in Prambanan Temple as if they were in a real guiding process. Two kinds of arrangements of operating the tape recorders were used, tape recorder was placed in a fixed position, for example on the table, or hand-operated. The respondents were free to choose the operating system in order to make them comfortable.