Objectives of the Study Benefits to the Study

8 approaches. These critical approaches are formalist approach, socio cultural- historical approach, biographical approach, mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach. In order to analyze the topic discussed; the writer uses the psychological approach because this study regards to human’s psychology. Atkinson, Atkinson, and Hilgard 1983 state that a psychological approach is an approach that analyzes human motivation and behavior which affect human’s personality. Furthermore, psychological approach reveals the aspect of human being in giving the reaction for the action.

2. Theory of Character

Novel is a kind of literary work which always has characters on it. Therefore, characters in the novel are important things that the author serves to convey the messages. Janovsky 2003 believes that if in literary work for instance novels do not have the characters; those will cease the sense and the purpose of the novel. It is supported by Gill 1995 who states the characters in literary work are the product of the characterization. Characters develop to their own function as the essential part in novels. Thus, characters are fictional people that are created by the author. It means that the author’s imagination is the basis to create characters. Janovsky 2003 states the development of the character is highly developed. The examples of highly developed characters are something about character s’ walk, talk, think or what kind of secrets they have. Those examples develop over the course of the story. In addition, Abrams 2009 also states that: 9 Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, disposition, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say —the dialogue—and by what they do —the action p. 23. In supporting those theories, Feist 2009 states that characters are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as temperament, physique, and intelligence. Every novel always has main characters. The main character will bring the greatest effect on the story that happened in the novels. Janovsky 2003 says, there are many ways to categorize the main character. They are protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, static, round and flat character. One character can also fit into more than one category or move through the other categories.

a. Types of Character

1 Protagonist and Antagonist Character According to Abrams 2009, he has categorized the character into protagonist character: “The chief character in a work, on whom our interest centers, is called protagonist or alternatively, the hero or heroine, and if he or she is pitted against an important opponen t, that character is called the protagonist” p. 159. After that, based on Tabb 2015, he states that a protagonist has unique and specific purpose in its theme. The protagonist is usually well-developed character as a main character whose primary part is to create the reader’s interest and empathy. However, the protagonist may be blurred in order to sharp the demarcation among