Theory of Psychological Approach

11 affect the story. It is because in the beginning until the end of the story the character is still the same. Static character usually has existing persona, confidence, compelling, heroic and charisma. 3 Round and Flat Character Abrams 2009 states that “round character is complex in temperament also motivation, and is represented with subtle particularly; such a character, therefore it is difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life and capable of surprising us” p. 24. Round character in a story is the simple character who resembles real people and tend to change because he she has more traits. Next, flat character is commonly called two-dimensional type. This type shows the single idea of visualizing detail. The character is the one who can fully described in a single sentence because it has no depth. Flat character tends to stay the same throughout the story or has one-track personality. He she has no problem to figure out and to be understood.

3. Theory of Characterization

According to Gill 1995, characterization is important for the author to give representation of characters to the readers. He divides two methods in presenting the characterization; those are showing and telling. In showing, the author demands the readers to observe which characteristics are likely based on the readers’ perception, whereas in telling the author directly shows the characteristics to the readers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 Moreover, Murphy 1972 categorizes nine methods to see the characterization to make the characters understandable by the readers. They are personal description, character as seen by other, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. The first one is personal description. Personal description means that the author gives the clue about a character’s appearance or apparel. It means that the appearance can be described from his her clothes, skin-color, hair, eyes, height, weight and face. Therefore, the author describes clearly about how the characters look like or describes the characters in details. The second is character as seen by others. The author gives the form of character as seen by other to help the readers describe the character from other characters’ point of view. The example is Miles Halter’s character can be seen from the other char acters’ comment about him. The purpose of this part is to tell the description from the other characters’ perspectives. Third, speech is always mentioned in the novel. The author describes a character through the mode of the character ’s speech. The conversation he or she used involve the description about the character. The characterization will appear according to the clues which are given by the author concerning what the character speak about, the interaction to the other characters in the dialogs, or whenever he puts his opinion. Fourth, the author gives a clue related to the character in one section to the readers over the character’s past life. It means that the character’s past life is close to the character’s present life. The author shapes the characterization by letting the