The Students Obtain Many Advantages by Watching the Recorded


c. The Students Obtain Many Advantages by Watching the Recorded

Performance By watching the recorded performance, the students were able to do self- reflection. The recorded performance provided detailed information of teaching practice. The students were helped to recall the memory on what they have done during teaching practice. Another advantage that the students achieved by watching the recorded performance was they could analyze whether the goal of their teaching practice was achieved or not. The student wrote, “Good. It helps me to reflect what went well and what need improvement. I could see whether my teaching goal is achieved or not.” After the students experienced on watching their recorded performance and do self-reflection on their teaching skills, the students attained more advantages. Therefore, they could easily identify their strengths and weaknesses, set the goal for the next better teaching practice and they were motivated to be more confident Boud, 2001. The students wrote, “Yes. It motivates me to be better for the next practice. I can reflect my self what should be improved on my teaching.” Another student wrote, “It recorded performance improves my knowledge and awareness in teaching. It can lead me to be a professional teacher in the future.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63


After presenting the data gathered and discussing subject matter, the researcher draws some conclusion and tries to find some suggestions on the use of recorded performance to do self-reflection in microteaching class.

A. Conclusions

According to the data gathered, the researcher concludes about the components that the students evaluated, students’ perception in general on the use of recorded performance to do self-reflection in microteaching class.

1. The Components that the Students Evaluated by Watching the

Recorded Performance Generally, the students stated that recorded performance helped them evaluate basic teaching skills and general teaching skills. For basic teaching skill, the students more concerned on set induction and set closure skill, questioning skill and stimulus variation skill, especially eye contact, gestures and body movement. It was because when they were teaching, they did not realize that they made some unconscious movement and gestures. For general teaching ability, the students evaluated those four general teaching abilities. However, they more concerned on their language and grammar accuracy, class management and time management, confidence and self- performance. Time became the most difficult thing to be managed. Thus, the students really evaluated it when they watched the recorded performance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI