Beliefs about the Social Context of Language Beliefs about Learning and Learners

the rules enabling people to produce the surface structures from the deep level of meaning. iv. Language Variation and Register Analysis Language varies depending on the context. So the kind of language dealing with a specific context, such as an area of knowledge medical English, business English, scientific English can be identified through the language used itself then. v. FunctionalNotional Grammar This view of language sees language as a mean of communication which conveys social function and people’s attention. Function deals with social behaviour and speaker’swriter’s intention, like advising, warning, describing, etc. vi. DiscourseRhetorical Analysis The meaning of a language is concluded from the context of the sentences. Different context causes different meaning in the same sentence.

b. Beliefs about the Social Context of Language

i. Sociolinguistic Issues Language should be adapted to the social context. A sentence may be correct grammatically and lexically, but it doesn’t mean that it is acceptable in social context. Learning a language is learning how to use it in social context. In other words, it means learning how to adjust it to contextual factors such as roles and purposes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ii. Sociocultural Issues Language use is associated with understanding of each language user’s dimensions of culture. They include social values, attitudes, norms, customs, and “products” e.g. literature, art. iii. Sociopolitical Issues Those issues are concerned with how language used affects one’s relation with other community or social group. Language teaching deals with teach learners how to participate in the community and get access to social systems.

c. Beliefs about Learning and Learners

Hutchinson and Waters 1987 divide theories of learning into five main stages of development. i. Behaviourism Language learning is seen as changing behaviour. It is a mechanical process of habit formation in which the basic exercise technique is pattern practice, particularly drills. ii. Mentalism Learning is not only forming habits like the previous stage does. Learning is a process of acquiring rules in which learners’ minds formulate hypothesis through their individual experiences. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI iii. Cognitive Code It is often called as constructivism learning. Learners construct their own knowledge from their experience together with other people through making sense of data. Teachers’ role is as facilitator to provide learners experience. iv. The Affective Factor Language learning will be well-done if learners have motivation since it is an emotional experience. They must ‘want to think about something’ that they will learn. v. Learning and Acquisition According to Krashen 1981 as cited by Graves 2000, learning and acquisition are two different things. Learning is a conscious process, whereas acquisition is an unconscious one.

d. Beliefs about Teaching