Basic Competence Activities Problems that might Occur in Students’ Learning Objective

2. Basic Competence

Besides in the formulation itself, problem was also found in the relevancy between learning objectives related and the Basic Competence. Some learning objectives did not relevant with the Basic Competence in which they derived from. One of the examples was ‘Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks: recount’ as the Basic Competence. The formulation ‘Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi main idea dari rekaman teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount’ was not appropriate with the Basic Competence since the formulation dealt with ‘teks fungsional pendek’ and ‘teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount’, whereas the Basic Competence only dealt with ‘teks monolog sederhana teks: recount’. This problem totaled 5 or 2.18 of the total problems.

3. Activities

Activities are needed to provide audience chances to learn and experience in order to support the achieving of learning objectives. However, some learning objectives did not have any activity to support its achievement. The formulation ‘Siswa mampu menunjukkan penggunaan simple past tense dalam suatu teks recount dengan menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan simple past tense tersebut’ see appendix 2 table 3.4 point 2.o.b had no activity dealing with simple past tense. The activities stated only dealt with the other learning PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI form titled How to make fruit salad”. That formulation did not clearly mention an observable, measurable action verb which had certain measurement. “…….Respond tu ya -- maksudnya ngerti dan tau maksudnya isi teksnya itu.” P11 …….Respond is -- is to know and to understand the content of the text. According to participant 11, ‘To respond a dialogue’ was to know and to understand what it was in a text. If that so, there was no clear statement of behaviour to determine whether audience knew and understood the text or not. The formulation still had many interpretations about how to measure if the audience knew or understood the text and what kind of ‘respond’ it was. It could be ‘identify the meaning of difficult words’, ‘identify the main idea of the dialogue’, ‘identify the steps of making fruit salad’, ‘produce another dialogue to continue the previous dialogue’, or many other alternatives. This kind of problem totaled 5 or 2.18 of the total problem. The same amount of problem also transpired for not well-ordered learning objectives problem. It was 2.18 of the total problem. A set of learning objectives that should be ordered are those which have more than one learning objective and they are in the different level except for psychomotor domain. Learning objectives in the different domain do not need to order. For example, a set of learning objective consists of some formulation like ‘merespon ungkapan mengundangmenawarkan’ and ‘merespon ungkapan menyetujui ajakantawaranundangan’. Those two learning objectives do not need to order because they belong to the same level of cognitive domain. Unless, the set of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI objectives, which were about reading comprehension. This problem totaled 5 or 2.18 of the total problems. The same amount of problem also happened to the relevancy of learning objectives with the activities. Five problems of their irrelevancy were found. It was about 2.18 of the total problem. The formulation ‘Siswa dapat menyebutkan lima contoh kalimat menerima dan membatalkan janji dengan benar rekaman yang didengar’ see appendix 2 table 3.4 point 8.o.b was categorized in this kind of problem since the activity stated was about discussion of text meaning which dealt with listening comprehension. There was no statement of activity for the behaviour ‘menyebutkan lima contoh kalimat menerima dan membatalkan janji’.

4. Materials