The Second Meaning of Reject

69 The examples above were in the different registers. The first token 63 was in news register and the second one 64 was in fiction register. The two other tokens occurred in news and academic registers. Those tokens described that the subjects did not want some things which irritated them. Consequently, they threw out those things.

f. The Sixth Meaning of Reject

The sixth definition of reject was “of an organism to not accept a graft or transplant” “Reject”. From 100 tokens, there was only one token which held this definition. This token below showed that intention. 65 drugs the remainder of his or her life so his or her body does not reject the transplanted organ. Besides the expense involved, the drugs reduce the effectiveness of COCA: Tech Engineer Teacher The token obviously showed the meaning discussed. The token showed the collocation of reject was organ, from a noun phrase the transplanted organ. Moreover, this meaning occurred in the medical environment.

g. The Seventh Meaning of Reject

The seventh definition of reject was “to refuse as lover or spouse, not love” “Reject”. After exploring the tokens of reject, there were 3 tokens which beared this definition. The collocations of reject were her twice and love. Here were the tokens of that defintion. 66 feels superior to him... and for a moment he wants to hate her... reject her... but to his surprise she suddenly looks more sensual and beautiful than he COCA: Framework 67 from me. She turns away each time I kiss her. She continues to reject my love towards her. I truly long to serve Jesus, but I became COCA: NBC_Dateline 70 Those tokens occurred in the different registers. The token 66 occurred in fiction and the next token 67 occurred in spoken. Those tokens clearly described someone who was not accepted in love with another else. This context also occurred in refuse. Refuse collocated with him, while reject collocated with her, which both him and her indicated to someone who loved. The findings showed that reject was used in many contexts and situations. Reject collocated with various nouns and pronouns which formed the meanings of its used. Comparing to refuse, it had another form of collocation, to infinitive. Reject did not have to infinitive form as its collocation. Based on the discussion, the collocations of the verbs refuse and reject were various. The collocations of refuse were nouns and to infinitive forms. The new finding showed that the verb refuse was also used to deny a lover, which presented by the words him. Thus, pronoun was also the collocation of the verb refuse . The collocations of the verb reject were nouns and pronouns. There were five similar collocations of the verbs refuse and reject. The words which were the collocations of the verbs refuse and reject were money, treatment , proposal, request, and him and her, which represented someone who loved. However, not all those collocations had the similar contexts in use. The words proposal and request had different definitions when they were used as the collocations of refuse and reject. Thus, the similar collocations of the verbs refuse and reject which occurred in the similar contexts were money, treatment, him, and her . People could use both verbs refuse and reject to express that they did not 71 accept money, a treatment in the medical field, and, someone who loved, which represented by the words him and her.