The Sixth Meaning of Reject The Seventh Meaning of Reject

72 The second research problem of this study was the collocations of verbs refuse and reject. The verbs refuse and reject had various collocations. The collocations of the verb refuse were nouns, pronouns, and to infinitive forms. The collocations of verb reject were nouns and pronouns. The verbs refuse and reject had three similar collocations. Based on the finding, the first collocation was money . The second collocation was treatment. The third collocation was him and her , which represented someone who loved. Thus, the verbs refuse and reject could be used to deny money, a treatment in the medical field, and a lover or someone who loved.

B. Recommendations

This study proposed recommendations for English Language Education Study Program students and English teachers for the practical use in teaching and learning. Furthermore, the findings in this study gave recommendations for future researchers.

1. For English Language Education Study Program Students English

Teachers This study was useful for ELESP students and teachers. This study concerned the synonymous words and their uses in the real life. The contexts of the use of the words could be similar and different. Specially, this study discussed the collocations of near-synonymy words. By looking at the examples from the real use, it could be useful for ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University who were English teacher candidates. English teachers might explain their students 73 about the synonymous words which had some degrees. Based on the findings of this study, ELESP students could emphasize the use of the synonymous words. They might show to their students that the verb refuse had an infinitive, while reject did not although they were near-synonymous words. Moreover, as the teachers, they clarified that some synonymous words could not been interchanged to another synonym. To understand more about the use of synonymous words, they could show the examples of them in some contexts from a corpus. The findings in this study also observed the collocations of the synonymous words. The term collocation itself was not really familiar among ELESP students. ELESP students could be introduced to collocation to elevate their English fluency. Learning collocation was effective to remember the lexical patterns because frequent collocations had bigger chances of being used, especially by native speakers. Moreover, it improved native-like selection for the students. It aimed the students to be able to convey meaning fluently. Therefore, the students were able to produce correct utterances.

2. For Future Researchers

This study concerned the frequencies and the collocations of the verbs refuse and reject. This study might be interesting for further researchers. The discussion and the findings of this study gave insights for future researchers. Researchers could employ more tokens to investigate other issues about the verbs refuse and reject. The more tokens used might give more findings in studies. Next, researchers could conduct other topics related to corpus linguistics using COCA and or other corpus software. 74 REFERENCES Aarts, B. 1997. English syntax and argumentation. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. Allan, K. 2009. Concise encyclopedia of semantics. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Sorensen, C. 2010. Introduction to research in education 8 th ed.. California: Wadsworth. Ayto, John. 1990. Dictionary of word origins. New York: Arcade Publishing Inc. Azar, B. S. Hagen, S. A. 2009. Understanding and using English grammar 4 th ed.. New York: Pearson Education. Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R. 2002. Corpus linguistics: Investigating language structure and use . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Biber, D., Johansson, S., Leech, G., Conrad, S., Finegan, E. 1999. Longman grammar of spoken and written English . Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Bloor, T. Bloor, M. 2004. The functional analysis of English 2 nd ed.. London: Hodder Education. Cartstairs-McCarthy, A. 2002. An introduction to English morphology – words and their structures . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd. Cruse, D. A. 2000. Meaning in a language - an introduction to semantics and pragmatics . New York: Oxford University Press. Davies, A. Elder, C. Eds.. 2006. The handbook of applied linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Davies, M. 2009. The 385+ million words of corpus of contemporary American English 1990 – 2008+. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 14 2, 159-190. Davies, M. 2011-. COCA – corpus of contemporary American English. Retrieved April 11, 2014, from http:corpus.byu.educoca 75 Evans, B. Evans, C. 1957. A dictionary of contemporary American usage. New York: Random House, Inc. Finegan, E. 2004. Language: Its structure and use 4 th ed.. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth. Google. Refuse . Retrieved September 1, 2014, from 7j69i59j69i60l2.973j0j7sourceid=chromees_sm=93ie=UTF-8 Google. Reject