The Fifth Meaning of Reject



This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first one is conclusions and the second one is recommendations. The conclusions summarize the findings of the discussion of the study. The content of conclusions is the answers of the research problems. The recommendations are aimed to give suggestions to readers related to the issues in this study.

A. Conclusions

This study examined the frequencies and the collocations of the verbs refuse and reject in COCA. COCA 2011 and 2012 were taken as the data to discover the research problems. After examining and discussing the data, this study found the answers of the research problems. The first research problem was the frequencies of the verbs refuse and reject in COCA from 2011 to 2012. Based on the occurrences in COCA, the frequency of the verb refuse was higher than the verb reject. The verb refuse occurred 406 times, while the verb reject occurred 299 times from 705 tokens. In the percentage, the occurrence frequency of refuse was 57.59 and the occurrence frequency of reject was 42.41. The ratio of refuse and reject occurrences was 15.18. That number of ratio percentage was not really significant. As a result, refuse was used more than reject to convey denial, as the basic sense of those synonymous verbs. 72 The second research problem of this study was the collocations of verbs refuse and reject. The verbs refuse and reject had various collocations. The collocations of the verb refuse were nouns, pronouns, and to infinitive forms. The collocations of verb reject were nouns and pronouns. The verbs refuse and reject had three similar collocations. Based on the finding, the first collocation was money . The second collocation was treatment. The third collocation was him and her , which represented someone who loved. Thus, the verbs refuse and reject could be used to deny money, a treatment in the medical field, and a lover or someone who loved.

B. Recommendations

This study proposed recommendations for English Language Education Study Program students and English teachers for the practical use in teaching and learning. Furthermore, the findings in this study gave recommendations for future researchers.

1. For English Language Education Study Program Students English

Teachers This study was useful for ELESP students and teachers. This study concerned the synonymous words and their uses in the real life. The contexts of the use of the words could be similar and different. Specially, this study discussed the collocations of near-synonymy words. By looking at the examples from the real use, it could be useful for ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University who were English teacher candidates. English teachers might explain their students