Instruments and Data Gathering Technique



This chapter consists of two sections based on the results and the findings. The first section describes the frequencies of the verbs refuse and reject. The second section discusses the collocations of the verbs refuse and reject related to the context meanings.

A. The Frequencies of the Verbs Refuse and Reject

To conduct this study, the data needed were taken from COCA. The tokens of the verbs refuse and reject were from 2011 to 2012. It would be a discussion about the comparison of the frequencies of the verbs refuse and reject. It would be seen which one of the verbs that was used the most. The words refuse and reject in COCA were not classified into the word classes. Thus, in the lists of each word, refuse and reject could occur as a noun and as a verb. This was the table of the occurrences frequencies of refuse and reject in COCA 2011 – 2012. Table 4.1 The Frequencies of Refuse and Reject in COCA 2011 – 2012 Word Frequency Total 2011 2012 refuse 288 146 434 reject 217 93 310 Table 4.1 above showed that refuse had more number of occurrences than reject from 2011 to 2012. Refuse occurred 288 times in 2011 and 146 times in 46 2012. In the total, refuse occurred 434 times. Reject appeared 217 times in 2011 and 93 times in 2012. The total occurrences of reject were 310. In result, refuse had a higher number of the frequency rather than reject. It indicated that refuse was commonly used more than reject.

1. The Frequency of the Verb Refuse

The occurrences of refuse in COCA from 2011 to 2012 were not only as a verb. There were 16 tokens from COCA 2011 which showed refuse as a noun which meant “something such as paper or food waste that has been thrown away” “Refuse”. Take for instance in the tokens below. 3 events, today 119 souls have come to watch the Dotsons sell off the abandoned refuse of shattered lives. Here are the rules, folks, says COCA: USA Today 4 , pausing briefly to collect 50 from a resident planning to take 20 loads of refuse to the town dump. Im not supposed to have to leave my COCA: NY Times 5 and go right back into the nest. Finally, midden workers toil over the refuse pile and over the pebbles that the ants bring back to cover the mound. COCA: Natural Hist This case also happened in the tokens of refuse in COCA 2012. After examining the tokens, it was found that there were 11 tokens which used refuse as a noun. The tokens below were the examples which indicated the use of the noun refuse . 6 has command. They came in at night unseen, buried themselves amid wreckage and refuse, two rifles, two cones of fire, and a long wait for a COCA: Alpha 7 vampires remains just lying there, trickling into the gutter with all the other refuse of the city. On the other hand, I couldnt do anything to COCA: Wicked City Zephyr 8 debris, and dirt, so, in this overflow of passions, all the refuse of mens souls was washed up and brought to the surface; this added COCA: Iowa Rev