Data Gathering Technique METHODOLOGY

32 Table 3.3 The Self-Management Questionnaires Blueprint – Part II SELF-MOTIVATION TIME MANAGEMENT Index of motivation : there are three indexes of motivation: choice of task, effort, and achivement. However, in the questionnaire, only choice of task and effort which are showed. The achievement will be taken by the scores result of students’ writing. Based on Covey “Time Management Matrix”, especially it focuses on the Quadrant II. Table 3.4 The Self-Management Questionnaires Blueprint – Part III SELF-MOTIVATION INDICATORS NUMBER The students are aware of their selection of a task under free-choice conditions that indicates motivation to perform the task. 1 The students are aware of having their willingness to perform the task based on their interest. 2 The students are aware of the importance of having the positive belief during performing the task. 3 The students are responsible for their obligation as the PBI students in the 4 th semester. 4 The students are aware of giving high effort on planning what to write on performing the task. 5 The students are aware of giving high effort on organizing every data needed to perform the task. 6 The students are aware of giving high effort on performing the task, especially on difficult one. 7-9 33 TIME MANAGEMENT INDICATORS NUMBER The students are aware of their time using based on its importance, not urgency. 10-12 The students are aware of their time using especially when one encounters obstacles is associated with higher motivation. 13-15

3.6.2. The Students’ Scores in CRW II Class

In order to find out the relationship of the degrees of self-management ability and the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay, the researcher used the students’ scores on writing an argumentative essay in CRW II class. The scores were in form of numbers. The data were taken from CRW II lecturers.

3.7. Data Analysis Technique

Before analyzing the data, the researcher made the hypothesis to be tested through this research.

3.7.1. Hypothesis

The hypothesis was a formal statement that presented the expected relationship between an independent and dependent variable Creswell, 1994. A hypothesis was “a statement about what we expect to happen in a study” Mackey and Gass, 2005, p. 100. The hypothesis would give the researcher directions to the collection and interpretation of the data Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen, 2010. Based