54 obstacle or barrier. Besides, the task should be done and submitted to the lecturer on time. It was also impossible for the students to continue their writing if they had something else which was more important than writing an argumentative essay. There would be problems if the students were not able to handle the obstacles. Downing 2011 mentioned earlier that students would be success if they stayed on the course and be responsible with the outcomes. By handling this interruption, the students would be able to perform the task better than others. These important aspects we re needed to improve the students’ ability to write an argumentative essay. Giving freedom to choose the title, taking the responsibility as a student to accomplish the task, planning for the best to write the argumentative essay, and handling any interruption which came during performing the task were the best ways to develop the stude nts’ ability on writing. These were the important aspects of self-management ability that the students applied in writing a good product of argumentative essay. Meanwhile, the result of the research APPENDIX 4 showed that there were many students who had high degrees of self-management ability did not get high scores in their writing of argumentative essay. In fact, they were at moderate up level of writing an argumentative essay in CRW class. It meant that those aspects were not the only determination factor of the students’ ability on writing. The students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay might be influenced by the other supporting aspects. The supporting aspects here meant that the average score of the questionnaires was only-agreed by the students. 55 The first supporting aspect was the students’ interest in writing the argumentative essay. The students’ interest was part of the self-motivation. It was part of the choice of task based on the indexes of motivation. The students mostly agreed that they wrote the argumentative essay because it was interesting task to do. Having this interest would make the students motivated to keep doing the task. According to Aaron 2011, writers needed to start their writing when they were excited about it because it would make them focused on what they wrote. It was also in line with the purpose of motivation stated by Schunk et al. 2014 that motivation would make the students keep going and accomplish the task if the students had already had their interest. Therefore, the students would not feel burdensome while performing the task because they were already engaged with it. The next aspect was the students’ belief that they could finish the task whether the task was difficult or not. As Dembo 2004 stated earlier that the students’ belief for their learning could give impacts for their achievement later. This kind of belief might influence their way of thinking while finishing the task. If the students had the positive belief about their ability on performing the task, they would achieve better results because they spend most of the time efficiently. The students would stay on the difficult task longer than others. Organizing the data was also one of the supporting aspects which would help the students to be able to get the score better. Since an argumentative essay was a formal academic discourse, it should be given the evidence in order to avoid the subjective opinion Belmont and Sharkey, 2011. By organizing the data, the students would not feel confused when they wrote an argumentative essay. 56 Mayberry 2009 explained that writing an argumentative essay needed the use of reasonable evidence. This reasonable evidence was what it meant by the data. The data could be in the form of the arguments or the sources themselves. When the students could arrange the data well, the students could keep continuing on writing an argumentative essay without any difficulties. Most of the students agreed that they could give the best for writing their argumentative essay because they wanted to show their ability to others. The students wanted to show their ability to their parents and also friends. Showing their ability was important because it could increase their confidence in front of others. The students would think the best they could do starting from the theories, arguments and the way they expressed their ideas ONeill, Moore, and Huot, 2009. The students would get the confidence if they could show to their parents and friends that they got good scores. If this confidence was increasing, it would motivate the students to always do the task and do the best for it. The other aspects was that the students would work harder when the task was challenging. The students mostly thought that writing an argumentative essay was a challenging task to be accomplished. When something was challenging, the students would be motivated to give the best. Challenging task would stimulate the students’ managerial development DeRue and Wellman, 2009 as cited in Preenen, Vianen, and Paten, 2014. The meaning of challenging was not just an ordinary task. It was an extraordinary task which could also be done by an extraordinary person. Preenen 2010 says that challenging task is an important determinant for the performance later. The challenging task had the relationship 57 with showing ability which had been discussed earlier. Challenging assignment could improve the students’ enthusiasm to accomplish it. Most of the students thought that they had done well in writing an argumentative essay. By considering the difficulty that the students probably faced, they mostly agreed that they had given the best for writing an argumentative essay. According to Locke et al. 1981 task difficulty might be positively related to our outcomes or performances. It was in line with Westwood 2008 statement earlier that the students who were motivated would easily engaged with the writing product no matter how difficult it was. When the students considered this task as the difficult task, it meant that they were actually aware of what they were doing. This awareness could motivate them to give the best for their writing. The next supporting aspect came from the time management section. The students were aware that they did the writing based on its importance, not urgency. Most of the students agreed that writing an argumentative essay was important task that should be done on time. As Covey 1989 stated that successful people came from those who joined the second quadrant which was doing things based on its importance, not urgency. In this research, the students actually had joined the second quadrant people who were considered as the effective people. Because the students had joined the second quadrant based on the time management matrix proposed by Covey, they tended to keep continuing writing an argumentative essay rather than doing unprofitable activities. They knew that 58 writing an argumentative essay was important and also difficult which could not be done in one time. Therefore, the students agreed to keep writing an argumentative essay. The last supporting aspect was the conclusion of time management using. The students mostly said that they were satisfied with the way they used the time. Most of the students thought that they could use the time effectively as the students who had a lot of activities inside or outside the classroom. Therefore, it indicated that most of the students in CRW II class had joined the quadrant II in time management matrix conceptualized by Covey. Self-motivation and time management were the keys of having good self- management. It could help the students to produce a good products on writing their argumentative essay. However, there was also another factor which would help the students write the argumentative essay better. The students had to have the critical thinking skill when they had to write an argumentative essay. According to Moore and Parker 2009 critical thinking was the careful thought of reasoning whether a claim is true or not. Browney and Keeley 2007 stated that critical thinking was a term which referred to: 1 the awareness of a set interrelated critical questions; 2 ability to ask and answer critical questions at appropriate times; and 3 desire to actively use the critical questions p. 2. Therefore, critical thinking was the way of thinking which people tend to analyze an issue or problem, while they were processing their learning at the same time. The students’ critical thinking would enable them to think open-mindedly and communicate effectively. Critical thinking would improve the students’ 59 ability on writing an argumentative essay because their thought was actively integrated with other ideas. Moreover, writing an essay which was argumentative had the relation with the students’ critical thinking skill. Critical thinking skill would enhance the students’ awareness of the point of view, goal of writing, thesis statement for an issue and key concept in writing the essay Barnet and Bedau, 2014. Thus, the students’ critical thinking skill would improve the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay, especially for criticizing the argument or issue development. Actually, there are many studies which showed that the self-management ability had relationship with the students’ ability especially for writing in other courses. The finding of the research by Shell et al. 1989 reported that there was a significant relationship between the students’ self-management ability and the writing achievement as cited in Pajares, 2003. Self-management ability here was the students’ motivation and confidence in performing the task. Similarly, Zimmerman and Bandura 1994 found that there was a relationship between self- regulatory another term for “self-management” and the students’ achievement in writing. Therefore, the finding of this research might be considered to the field of the future research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60


This chapter presents two sections which were found from the research findings and the data analysis. The two sections consist of conclusions and suggestions.

5.1. Conclusions

By answering the question of the research problem and finishing the research data analysis, the researcher made some conclusions. To find the relationship between two variables, the researcher applied correlation coefficient method by Pearson Product Moment theory. The researcher conveyed this research in order to know whether the students’ self-management ability has the relationship of the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay or not. By doing some procedures and hypothesis testing, the researcher made some conclusions. First, there was a significantly positive relationship between the self- management ability and students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay in CRW II class. By using SPSS v.16, the calculation of Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient had found that the value of correlation coefficient was .794. The value indicated a strong relationship. It meant that the null hypothesis was rejected. These were proofs that the self-management ability was one of the 61 effective language learning strategies to improve the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay. Then, the findings of the research showed that there were four important aspects which influenced the students’ self-management ability on writing an argumentative essay in CRW II class. The freedom given by the lecturer to choose his or her own title was the first important aspect. The second aspect was the students’ responsibility to write an argumentative essay. The third aspect was the effort which students gave to write an essay perfectly. The fourth aspect was the ability to handle any interruption while the students write an argumentative essay. Those four aspects were important in order to help the students manage themselves while performing the task. However, the researcher also analyzed that those four aspects were not the only aspect found in this research. Those four aspects were also supported by some supporting aspects. Furthermore, the researcher concluded that the self-management ability was not the only factor that the students used to enhance their ability on writing an argumentative essay. Observing the data analysis from the degrees of self- management ability, the researcher found that there were many varieties of the students’ scores in their argumentative essay. The researcher found out that there was one factor which might influence the students’ ability on writing the argumentative essay. The factor was about the students’ critical thinking skill. Critical thinking skill enabled the students to analyze and evaluate whether the arguments were true or needed or not in writing their essay. Critical thinking skill would affect the students’ ability in criticizing the arguments. 62

5.2. Suggestions

Referring to the result of this study and the conclusion above, the researcher proposes some suggestions:

5.2.1. For Students

First, the researcher suggests all the students should be aware of the importance of having self-management ability. This awareness could help the students to recognize how far their self-management ability has been applied, especially for their time management. The students should be aware of their ability to manage themselves in order to help them in the learning process. By recognizing the ability of having self-management, the students could use and apply it to handle their difficulties in facing problems in the learning process. Knowing the ability to motivate and manage the time will also help the students to improve their writing skills, not only in writing an argumentative essay but also in writing other essays. Then, the self-management ability is one of the language learning strategies that shows a significantly positive that would help the students to improve their ability in writing especially in CRW II class, when they are assigned to write an argumentative essay. CRW II class needs the students to be able to manage themselves especially for their self-motivation and time management, so the students could produce good products of writing and get good scores in the result of their writing. The students need to think wisely about the way they divide their 63 time. If making daily or weekly to-do-lists is not effective for them to manage the time, the students should find another way to use the time effectively. The students should not do procrastination when writing an argumentative essay because it affects their results in writing. Therefore, the students have to balance between self- motivation and time management. When the students could balance these two things, it is sure that their self-management ability will enhance their writing product.

5.2.2. For Future Researchers

One of the language learning strategies that influence the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay is having self-management ability. In this study, then the researcher uses self-motivation and time management as the elements of the self-management ability to investigate whether the self-management ability has a correlation with the students’ ability on writing an argumentative essay or not. Facing the data and the finding of this research, the researcher suggests other researchers to continue this study. First, the other researchers can continue this study by using other elements of self-management ability, such as goal setting, self-monitoring, self-evaluating or self-reinforcement, to investigate which element is the most effective in improving the students’ writing skill in CRW II class or other courses. The next researcher can use experimental research to make the investigation more effective. Second, this research also can be continued by investigating the students’ self-management ability through the use of a module. The researcher can use PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 Research and Development RnD in order to make a module which contains the elements of self-management ability and the writing task. This method will help the researcher to analyze more deeply which element of the self-management ability affects the students’ ability on writing. This research shows that there are many possibilities for future researchers to continue this research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI