The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

of the signs on the advertisements. The writer do interview with Team Creative Art and Design 2D of FAW „Activation Indonesia‟ and Advertising Company. Based on the interview, the writer can get in depth information about the meaning of the signs on the Starbucks advertisements.

2. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

In this research, the data are collected by bibliography technique teknik kepustakaan which is taken from printed media. According to Edi Subroto, this technique used written sources to collect data. 7 The data are collected from GADIS magazine. From the magazine there are three editions of Starbucks Coffee advertisements which consists of icon and symbol. Icon in the advertisement is picture and colour. Symbol in the advertisement is headline and tagline. After the data are collected, the researcher tries to analyze data by use triangle of Charles Sanders Peirce. Furthermore, to know if the meaning of the sign icon and symbol and the message is delivered to the reader, the researcher uses interview method. The method of interviews with informant becomes the method in order to explore and collect the data needed. Informants in this research are the advertiser and customers. The method in this interview is “In-depth Interview” and record method. In interview, the writer gives freedom to the informant and encouraged them to speak broadly and deeply. 7 D. Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Linguistik Struktural Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1992, p. 42 Interviews were conducted repeatedly with key informants. According to Edi Subroto 1992, data collection techniques such as the techniques previously stated-working with informants, is called in-depth interview. To the advertiser, the writer interviews about things that he wants to send to the reader. Meanwhile, to the customer, the writer asks whether they are receives the messages from the advertiser. Furthermore, to make this research is stronger the writer uses record method. Record method is the techniques of collecting data by recording oral language with spontaneous. 8 After all data are collected, the writer analyze the data to know whether or not the messages of the advertiser are delivered to the reader.

3. Instrument of the Research